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Marijn Van Gils

Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2004
Hello everybody!

this figure has no relation to history in any way, but is just my interpretation of the classic "Atlas" figure, carrying his little world on his back.

Besides face and hands (Hornet, and sculpting on the hands will need to be done after most of the painting), he is scratchbuilt.

All comments and criticisms are welcome!

Best wishes,





Not only is the idea a great one but the sculpting is superb, excellent folds and drapery!

Im curious, how are you going to display him? Like this or will you put him on another base?
Thanks a lot guys!

Anders, I won't put him on another pedestal base, but on a very flat one. My friend Phil suggested to imitate either a section of workbench, or a competition entry card. Whichever of these two it will become, don't know yet, but the title will be "the great escape"!

Hello Rob, trust me, you don't want to look in there!!! :lol:

Best wishes,

:lol: :lol: Marijn, very imaginative !!!! Might I suggest a portion of the work-bench to which the figure is mounted,thereby giving some context to the pose of the model ;) . I'm sure that you'll win some top prizes with this entry at the next competition that you decide to enter "him" in. Looking forward to how you'll go with this. Cheers !

Brilliant, as usual..........

The great thing about this is that it is not simply a model. This is art. Art has something more to say than a model and this is a classic example of that mind-set.

Marijn, every time I see your stuff I become a bigger fan. You are truly a World Master, even if you don't have the hardware.......... yet........


I have to agree with Quang, very creative. Keep us posted on this one. I look forward to seeing it come together. Nice work!

Jay H.
Marijn manneke,

Jettum ut alweer gelapt ee. Schoon stukskun.

Great work Marijn. Are you never out of idea's. I wish i had the half of your ideas, and a quarter of your sculping skills. That will make my day.
Further i echo all the others.
See you next weekend.

Originally posted by bonehead@Feb 27 2006, 12:07 PM

Brilliant, as usual..........

The great thing about this is that it is not simply a model. This is art. Art has something more to say than a model and this is a classic example of that mind-set.


I could not have said it better. This is art for sure. You are really thinking outside of the box here.~Gary
Wow, what a positive comments! Thanks a lot guys! :)

Well, I must say that I'm not too worried about technique anymore nowadays. If I like an idea, I'll just build it. Some aspects will come out better than I hope, other worse. No figure will ever be "perfect", but as long as the basic idea is communicated powerfully enough, I'll be happy with it.

This is in fact all that's needed: focussing on the idea and the expression of it, and seeing the technique only as a means to materialize that idea. I guess that's the mind-set Quang and Mike are talking about, and it is really not difficult to do. More importantly, you don't need to be a technical miracle-child to adopt this mind-set and make something different, and I can tell you that, at least for me, every model becomes a lot more personal and the building of it a lot more rewarding and plain fun!

Hello Marc! Once you consciensly start searching for good ideas, they are really not that hard to find. Gino shows this alsovery much: once he started converting and scratchbuilding with this mind-set, he also has ten time more ideas than time to execute them. And I'm sure most people have plenty of hidden creativity. Simply don't stick to the purely modelling-related stuff, or only military history, but try to look a little wider to anything life, and any other medium that makes images of it.

No lack of ideas at all, I only have a serious lack of time!

Thanks again!

Hi Marijn,

I know this one has lived for a long time in your head and it's so nice to see him out of it! One thing I'm now curious about is how you're going to paint him. If you use the zenithal light technique you won't have many highlights since the base block the light. Or are you going to let the light come from another direction. I just wish I had your skill to get all the "little people living in my head" to come out. It's getting over cowded in there :lol: I think I'm loosing my head this time, this time I'm losing my head. Rita get me some Prozac!!!

Keep up the great work and I look forward seeing you this saturday.


P.S. The soapbox kid is comming alive!

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