A Fixture
I love your work W , the attention to every detail is great and makes a difference.
I love your work W , the attention to every detail is great and makes a difference.
Hi W
Nice figures your working on , that always helps on such a big project
Interesting you paint the white first then the main uniform colour
All looking good
Keep painting
Looking good there W have you painted the officer with brighter colours = better quality cloth than his men ?
Thanks for sharing
Hi there W
They are certainly looking really good , nice to see varied poses as well
Keep painting
Happy benchtime
Is the fella in the middle really that much shorter than the others, or is that an optical illusion? If he is shorter, did you modify him, or is he out of the box? If he is shorter, that's a great detail, to add that kind of variation.
Evening all, a wee update on my 5th KGL Line - they have been given a bit more detail painting - not far to go now - till I will be back on another batch of 2nd KGL Light.