WIP Attack on La Haye Sainte at Waterloo in 28mm


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Hi W

Voltigeurs looking good , will you position now or wait till more completed ?

What's next on the list ?

Happy benchtime


Thanks Nap, I am detailing a small group of Fusiliers next, the plan is to finish the next Thirty or so figures then I will do a photo shoot of them together on my mat, before I I cut away their bases and glue them in my dio (that still has areas to be constructed - orchard trees - kitchen garden - grass area to the rear)

My small group of Grenadiers now finished after having some dry brush dust - put away awaiting a flat coat.

Hi W

Nice result good to see a variation between the red jkts

I presume you have a spray matting ! .....one or two to Matt down I feel

Thanks for the update

Hi W

Nice result good to see a variation between the red jkts

I presume you have a spray matting ! .....one or two to Matt down I feel

Thanks for the update


Yes indeed I have them all waiting for me to get my spray booth out with my airbrush and spray over my Flat top coat.

Morning all, a slight side step from the French and onto the I'll fated Luneburg battalion that was nealry destroyed when they marched down the hill in Line to help the KGL at the side of LHS, when they came ito contact with several Hundread French Cuirassiers - they did not stand a chance only a few survived.

Just going to agree ..seeing the French en masse really brings home how the battlefield must have been

Great updates

Nice painting on this small scale

Looking forward to seeing more

Happy benchtime


Thank you kindly Nap.
