[Aug 3, 2012] Artist Prrservation Show Aug 3-5 2012 (Fredericksburg, VA)


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A Fixture
Dec 24, 2003
The Artist Preservation Group will be hosting it's 2012 model, miniature, and art show
Aug 3 (7pm) - Aug 5 (11am) at the Hospitaility House in Fredericksburg, Virginia. We'll have awards, auction, vendors, a seminar by Anders Heintz, and guest speaker Mr Frank O'Reilly Historian from the National Park Service. Mr O'Reilly will also be conducting a tour of the Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville Battlefields from 8-5 on Friday Aug 3rd. The tour will be conducted by bus and you must preregister for the tour. Cost is $10 plus the cost (TBD) of the bag lunch. The APG will also host a tour of the Marine Corps Museum at Quantico Sunday afteroon at 1pm. No registration is required.

The origimal Terms of Surrender Document written by Gen Grant to Gen Lee at Appomattox will also be on display Sat 11-4.

For more info go to http://www.artistpreservationgroup.com/2012-APG-Show.html or contact Chairman David Oswalt at oswalt2310@comcast.net
The deadline is getting close to get your reservations in
for the show. July 19th.

We will of course have a APG table and it will have items from
the APG "Store" so you can pick up anything you see on the
website store. Also, please remember, you can become a member
of the APG for $25.00 a year. Membership forms will be at the table.
If you want to order anything from the 'store' and have it held for
pick up, let Mike know and he will put is aside.

If anyone has any questions, please post.

We are on the home stretch and the show will be here in no time.

I will be back on this thread to note things about the show.

I will tell you this, it would be a great place to bring the family,
while your at the show there is a lot to see and do, AND there
is a ton of shopping around the hotel. it's pretty much walking
distance and there are restaurants around the hotel also.

Hope to see everyone there.

Just a reminder that this will be the first APG show with awards.
We will have the Gold, Silver, Bronze and Certificates.

We will also have a few specialty awards, so get painting and
maybe one of the specialty awards will be yours.
We have:

Michael Roberts Ltd. Award
For the most creative use of a Michael Roberts kit or accessories
$50.00 M.R. gift certificate.

The Campaign Award
Sponsored by Kevin Dunne
For the best depiction of ACW soldiers "on campaign"
A professionally matted and framed print of Greg DiFranco's watercolor
of 3 members of Wheat's Tigers

The Lone Star Spirit Award
Sponsored by the Lone Star Miniature Society

Best Napoleonic Award
A framed Giclcee by Keith Rocco titled : French Artillerist
Sponsored by Lloyd Passafume
(picture of this print is on the APG website)

Best SciFi/Fantasy/Horror Award
A painted figure titled Dark Ivory donated by Lloyd Passafume
(picture of this figure/award is on the APG website.

The APG Certificates of Merit Awards
Sponsored by the Long Island Historical Miniature Collectors Society

This is on the APG website but thought I would post it here for you.

Hi Everyone,

Want to remind everyone that we have a lot of things going on
at the show. will just post the schedule and just add a few things
to this.

We will have door prizes at the show.
We have a Hospitality Suite on Friday and Saturday night.
Ladies, you can still sign up for the Ladies Tea, or you can
just show up on Saturday.

Please remember to download the Exhibitors form off the APG website.
NOTE: This is not "pre registration". We hope it helps speed up the
registration process.
COST: Registration : $20.00

Hope to see a lot of you there.

Artist’s Preservation Group
Show Schedule August 3-5 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012
Workshop - Doug Cohen/Painting with Acrylics 9AM-5PM

Friday, August 3, 2012

8am-@5pm Battlefield Tours of Fredericksburg
and Chancellorsville.
(Both tours require sign up in advance. $10 plus the cost of lunch.)
Vendor Set-up 5PM
Registration begins Miniature Show opens 7:00PM – 9:00PM

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Miniature Show open from 9:00AM - 5:00PM
11:00AM-4:00PM Appomattox Surrender Document will be available for viewing.
Registration Ends 12:00
1pm Seminar- Seminar by Anders Heintz on building his 54mm auction figure of Major John Pelham.
Women’s Tea. 1:30
3pm Figure Auction
Cocktail Hour 7-8
8PM Guest Speaker- Mr. Frank O’Reilly Historian Fredericksburg National Battlefield Park. Frank will speak on the death of Jackson.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Miniature Show continues 9AM-11AM
Awards Presentation. 11AM

1300 Tour of the National Museum of the Marine Corps
1500 Vehicle storage building will be opened up to us at Quantico.

For more info contact David Oswalt at oswalt2310@comcast.net
The APG show was a big success! The auction raised $12k for historical preservation! The battlefield tours of Fredricksburg and Chancellorsville were worth the trip alone. Although I didn't make it for Doug Cohen's painting class, I heard that was great and even went into overtime. Anyone else have a good time?
Congratulations from the SCAHMS club to David Hood for winning the SCAHMS sponsored award for "Best Western Expansion" with his "Lewis and Clark" vignette.
Hey does anyone have photos yet? I particularly need a photo of this piece by David Hood. I would like to post a photo with the award on the SCAHMS website.
Thanks for your help! Wish I could have been there!
Hi Everyone,

I am just going to post a short note to say this was the best
show the APG has put on so far.
Having awards, actual medals, was nice.
Thank you for your kind words, It was a lot of work but it was fun.
David Oswalt did a great job as show chair. John Jefferies was
great as Vendor chair and Mike taking the lead on the tours and
the guest speaker on Saturday night was fantastic. Frank did the
tours also.
We had some volunteers, which really helped us out and I hope I don't
forget anyone.
Kevin Dunne for getting some guys to 'man' the door into the Surrender
Document, so we had no food or drinks go in.
Vern Minkwitz's wife Margaret for helping us out a bit at Registration/General
Admission, Michael Saggs's, wife, Michelle for also helping us out at the table.
Dave Peschke filled in for Bob Langenberg for Judging.
For all of those folks that sponsored Speciality Awards.

Thanks Kevin to you and your wife helping David and I break down the
tables. oops... thanks to John J. also for helping .

The tables were full and some really great pieces.

Sorry, I said this would be a short note.
We will try to either post here or on the APG website the awards list.

Thank you everyone who attended and made this a great show, of course,
could not have done it without you. Thanks for the support.

Sorry, made a mistake on the note for judging.
Dave filled in for Jon Harbuck. Sorry Jon.

Our 'Security" detail for the Surrender Document was:
John Espy, Richard Rock, Bart Muller and of course Kevin Dunne.
Thanks guys.

Also, I did leave out Dave Wiggins for helping us out also at
the Registration and General Admission table. sorry about that Dave.

Here is a list of the winners.


Michael Behnke -- Land Rover
Katelyn Rothschadle -- ME-163


Graham Matlock -- Sherman

Michael Luedke -- Spitfire Mk. XII
David Wiggins -- Type 97 Chi-Ha
Ed Schaefer -- LVT

Alan Weller -- Marine M4A2, Saipan

Nathaniel Beaver -- Redwall
Michael Behnke -- Letter Home

Trevor Rothschadle -- Lost in Time

Lloyd Passafume -- HMS Titanic

Gary Beetley -- Carin Wrath

Nicolas Bast -- Gargoyle
Patti Luedke -- Caught in Change Circle
Michael Luedke -- ULMD

David Wiggins -- Jongleor
Warren Yaun -- The Violinist
Chris Fontenot -- Victorious
Angela Fisher -- Pirate Sophie
David Oswalt -- Night Crawler

Mike Hall -- Trolger
Matt Fontaine -- Chaos Knight
Joy Schoenberger -- Brothers in Arms

Ron Sanders -- Marine Scout Sniper
Bill Henry -- Mighty Mite 1967
Jeff Geis - Roman Victoria

Stephen Weibe -- Recon
Mike Drew -- The Emperor's Campaign
Chris Fontenot -- Duryee's Zouaves
Kurt Hollar -- Jabo's: Death From the Sky
Ed Schaefer -- Uncommon Valor

Mike Cramer -- The Passion
Michael Saggs -- Lynchburg Rifles
David Vickers -- Flowers from Angels
Pete Culos -- Scott's Regulars

Doug Cohen -- Fredericksburg
Dan Capuano -- Ambush on the Spree
Jon Harbuck -- 54th Mass.

Patti Luedke -- Clara Bow
Michael Luedke -- Lion Heart
Jim Smith -- Pirate
Rev. Bart Muller -- Tobruk
Dean Hoffman -- Heading for Home
Graham Matlock -- Teddy
Jenny Young -- Transylvania Infantry
Andrea Fisher -- Robert E. Lee

Lloyd Jacobs -- Iwo Jima
Richard Rock -- Mountain Man
Warren Yaun -- Capt. Jack
Mike Cramer -- Franz Joseph I
Victoria Geis -- Medieval Lady
Jeff Geis -- Walking Point

David Wiggins -- Charlie Chaplin
Mike Drew -- Marshall Murat
Patrick Kirk -- Prussian Officer
Bobby Sarnowski -- US GI , Ardennes
Michael Saggs -- Landsknect Standard Bearer
Chris Fontenot -- After the Battle
Vern Minkwitz -- Officer 51st Foot
John Espey -- Trumpeter Chasseur
Kevin Dunne -- The Veteran
John Jefferies -- The Ruin
Gary Beetley -- Shiloh
Mike Davidson -- Crusader
Jason Whitman -- Robert Capa
Brian Ford -- Zulu
Mike Hall -- Capt. john Smith
Kurt Hollar -- Taking Ivan's Guns
Jack Muldoon -- Blucher
Ed Schaefer -- Pacific Joe
Dee Moore -- After the Battle
David Oswalt -- Marse Robert
Joy Schoenberger -- St. Bridget

Bob Sarnowski -- Reinhard Heydrich
Penny Myers -- The Astronomer
Dan Capuano -- Sgt. John Rosengrant
David Hood -- Lewis and Clark
Greg DiFranco -- Dragoon d' Orano
Rod Curtis -- King George III
Pete Culos -- William Washington

Best Napoleonic -- Jack Muldoon, "Field Marshall von Blucher"
Best Irish Brigade/Confederate Irish
Gold -- Doug, "And dash across the bloody space"
Silver -- David Oswalt , "Irish Jasper Greens"
Bronze --Mike Drew, "Earl of Connaught"
Michael Roberts, LTD. Award -- Ed Schaefer, "Uncomon Valor"
The Campaign Award --Mike Drew, "Remnant's of the Grand Armee"
Lone Star Award -- David Wiggins
Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy Award -- Mike Hall, "Trolger"
Best Westward Expansion Theme Award -- David Hood, "Lewis and Clark"
The Story Tellers Award -- Jason Whitman, "Frank Capa"
Best Marines Corps Subject -- David Vickers, "Saviors of Saipan"

Yesterday, 02:01 PM

As you can tell I cut/pasted from the other forum.
Picture links are on the other forum, posted by a couple of people. So check it out there please.

Working on a show in another locations can be challenging, but it was fun. We had a lot of support and everyone pitched in
to make is a great success. it has not been decided yet about another show and where it will be. So stay tuned.
Frank O-Rilley did a fantastic job on the tours from what I hear, he was also our guest speaker on Saturday night,
and WOW I was so impressed with him as a speaker. He really holds your interest.
Frank did the tours and I heard only rants and raves about it.

The Surrender Document was really something to see. Uniforms were in the same room along with the Medical box from the
National Park Service. Great artifacts to see up close.

Heard nothing but good things about Doug Cohen's class and it was nice he was able to go back after dinner to continue to paint.
Mike Hall's seminar was full also.

I think everyone had a great time and I met a few new folks too.

Thank you everyone who attended, YOU made the show a great success.


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