Hi fellow modellers on PF,
After my recent review from Corsar Rex (http://www.planetfigure.com/threads/thracian-warrior-from-corsar-rex-miniatures.56497/watch-confirm) in which I promised another look at a bust from them ...well here it is :
This time we have a Basmachi Commander (to be honest I had to do a lot of research on this as I initially though Basmachi was a type of rice used in curry
) ..............well this Basmachi is just as tasty in Resin !!!!!
Lets have some background details on this conflict and the people it involved:
Basmachi Revolt, Russian Basmachestvo, insurrection against Soviet rule in Central Asia, begun in 1916 and largely suppressed by 1926 with sporadic fighting continuing till 1934. An amalgam of Muslim traditionalists and common bandits, the Basmachi were soon widespread over most of Turkistan, much of which was under regimes independent of but allied to Soviet Russia.
At their height in 1920 through 1922, some sources claim that the rebels had twenty to thirty thousand men under arms, controlled the Ferghana valley and most of Turkistan, and enjoyed widespread popularity among the indigenous non-Russian population
The revolt threatened the Soviet government with the permanent loss of much of Turkistan. But the Bolsheviks enjoyed military superiority, greater discipline, and a singleness of purpose. The Basmachi, on the other hand, were nearly as inclined to attack each other as to fight their common foe. By conciliating nationalist sentiment in Central Asia, the Soviet government defused the revolt and paved the way for successful incorporation of the area into the Soviet Union.
For additional reading about this period I suggest that you get hold of the Osprey MAA books on the Russian Civil War (MAA 293 and 305 ) ...both gives the reader a great insight into the conflict during the time ...and with great colour plates as well!!!
The sculpt was I feel inspired by a film called "White Sun in the Desert" so here are the images from that:
and now some images of actual Basmachi :

Continued in next post:
After my recent review from Corsar Rex (http://www.planetfigure.com/threads/thracian-warrior-from-corsar-rex-miniatures.56497/watch-confirm) in which I promised another look at a bust from them ...well here it is :

This time we have a Basmachi Commander (to be honest I had to do a lot of research on this as I initially though Basmachi was a type of rice used in curry

Lets have some background details on this conflict and the people it involved:
Basmachi Revolt, Russian Basmachestvo, insurrection against Soviet rule in Central Asia, begun in 1916 and largely suppressed by 1926 with sporadic fighting continuing till 1934. An amalgam of Muslim traditionalists and common bandits, the Basmachi were soon widespread over most of Turkistan, much of which was under regimes independent of but allied to Soviet Russia.
At their height in 1920 through 1922, some sources claim that the rebels had twenty to thirty thousand men under arms, controlled the Ferghana valley and most of Turkistan, and enjoyed widespread popularity among the indigenous non-Russian population
The revolt threatened the Soviet government with the permanent loss of much of Turkistan. But the Bolsheviks enjoyed military superiority, greater discipline, and a singleness of purpose. The Basmachi, on the other hand, were nearly as inclined to attack each other as to fight their common foe. By conciliating nationalist sentiment in Central Asia, the Soviet government defused the revolt and paved the way for successful incorporation of the area into the Soviet Union.
For additional reading about this period I suggest that you get hold of the Osprey MAA books on the Russian Civil War (MAA 293 and 305 ) ...both gives the reader a great insight into the conflict during the time ...and with great colour plates as well!!!

The sculpt was I feel inspired by a film called "White Sun in the Desert" so here are the images from that:

and now some images of actual Basmachi :

Continued in next post: