Battle Casualties


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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2016
Fergus Ontario Canada
This is a vignette that I did some time ago. All the figures and wagon are from my favourite, Historex.

IMG_1710.JPG IMG_2134.JPG IMG_2135.JPG IMG_2136.JPG
Hi Auggie

Nice looking diorama ...guess you like Hidtorex then

I was hunting around and found some of the great catalogues they used to do ......fantastic colour work of other modellers work in there as well including Max Longhurst .....always amazed at what he did

Thanks for sharing

Thanks for all the kind words guys. I think that I might still have a few more dioramas in mind. Hope I can get around to getting them done. Cheers!
Great work, Auggie, reminds me of all the vignettes and dioramas we used to put together years ago/. Most of us cut our modelling teeth on Historex in one way or another....I've still got quite a few in my cabinets (y):happy: I still treasure them and the memories they invoke.

Hi Nap,
Yes, Max Longhurst was a master of Historex. In the early catalogues almost all finished figures were by him.
I still think that Shep Paine's "On the Eve of Essling" is a masterpiece. But my all time favourite, the one that always inspires me, is a vignette of two carabiniers chasing down two Scots Greys, called "A Run for the Colour" by Andrei Koribanics. Find a picture of it somewhere, it will blow you away.
Historex offered the modeller so many opportunities to create a masterpiece, that there's probably too many individual favourites to
choose just one in particular. We all remember some extra special examples, and mine is Joey Berton's 1973 conversion of some 21st
Lancers at Omdurman (old grainy magazine photo alas).


Hi Augie

Thought I would look again at this ......Historex so versatile and set many modellers off

Hope we see more

Still time to vote for previous FOTM entries by liking and putting a entry into this months comp

Happy converting

Happy benchtime

Hello HansDig, me again.
I just did some research and discovered that Historex kits are actually 56-58 mm which is 1/30 scale. I was incorrect in my previous post.
This is from the Bill Ottinger book on Historex.
Most of us who have 'been there' will remember that working with Historex figures not only tests our painting abilities but also
challenges our modelling skills. Building one of these things requires us to micro manipulate infinitesimally small parts ( that have
the inherent ability to fly off and hide themselves in the most obscure places ) , fill and file the tiniest of join lines, add texture to hair,
and no end of additional touches of realism like gently enhancing undercuts with a craft blade , and all this before we can even think
of picking up a paintbrush. The process can be as frustrating as it is eventually rewarding. We should all look at the work Auggie has
produced here with an extra measure of admiration and respect.
