Review Bavarian Cavalry from Legion Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi Everyone​

After a hectic month moving house and getting sorted out ...hopefully!!!...its time to return to some form of normality with a review and what better way than to look at a bust release from Legion

This one was in the same box that I received from Legion the other being a Old Guard Chasseur which I reviewed here:

The companion bust in the box was this which was announced by Andrey from Legion Miniatures here:

Copy of legion 003.jpg

Here we have pictures from the website ( ) of the unpainted piece :





Details of the release are as follows:

Title: Officer of the 3rd Regt of the Bavarian Cavalry 1812

Reference: LMBT-079

Scale: 1/9th

No of pieces: 3

Material: Medium Gray resin

Sculptor: M. Vaapov

Casting: In house

Box Art: N/A

As this was in the same box as the Chasseur then the same comments reply but to confirm ...a good laser cut box with resin packed well in bags between foam , no box art on the outside
legion 004.jpg
legion 005.jpglegion 006.jpg

Parts consist of just 3 , the torso , helmet and the head​

legion 007.jpg
As with the Chasseur the same comments apply​
  • Good quality resin
  • Smooth resin surface
  • Sharp casting
  • No misaligned pieces and test fit is accurate
  • Very little prep needed ( see below )
Casting plug to remove from underneath and edges need a tiny bit of sandingto clean up and then sand awaya fine casting line )​

Remove casting plug from top and fit to torso ( test fit the helmet as well) ,remove casting line from rear along with a slight spots of resin​

Remove casting plug from underneath , remove casting line running up from the rear of the crest and dryfit to head...I found no issues when I did so​

You will see 2 holes in head top , these match up with a small resin postson the underside of the helmet​

I will provide suitable references at the end of the review​

Continued in next post​

Lets look at the resin

General uniform info:

Our Rittmeister ( Captain ) seen by the 3 bars on each collar side is wearing the Cavalry pattern kolletwhich covering the period of the release was from 1805-14 a dark green fro all regts with the facings being in the 3rd's case black .

According to WJ Rawkins those with black facings had red piping on the upper and leading edges

All Regts have white metal , scaled epaulettes with a scarlet underlay , although other sources show this was in the facing colour.

Buttons were brass , some sources show flat other rounded , the sculptor has flat these would have been embossed with the regt number


The bust is cut in a classic style which I like , angled down to the front in a clean line

At the front edge we have a part of the sash or "kummerband" was a mix of silver and blue flecked material ...the detail work on the creases is well shown , I would have liked the rosette at the side to be included but that's a personal choice

The plastron is well shaped and is nicely in a scale thickness, sharp edging , buttons are nicely shped as well

The folds and creases on the arms and the body are not overdone and sit well

Across the chest we have the pouchbelt ( Silver and blue striped as the sash ) the details on the front of the belt is a lions head and 2 hanging chains leading to a shield , both are a good shape and style

At the rear the belt continues with the buckle being sculpted , again my choice would be to add a pouch , at the rear there are the seams of the tunic

At the collar there are 3 sharply defined rank bars of a captain , showing at the front between the collar is the neck stock

The shoulder epaulettes are really nicely detailed up with the individual pieces being shown well shaped , the rounded edging again nicely worked , the underlay is also well sculpted with good clean undercuts , there are small buttons which I would be inclined to fill slightly to level or round according to your choice

legion 016.jpg The underside view

legion 008.jpg
legion 011.jpglegion 010.jpglegion 009.jpg

legion 012.jpglegion 015.jpg

legion 014.jpg legion 013.jpg


As with the Chasseur the head sculpt is full of character , our captain is a seasoned campaigner , well lined at the eyes with tiredness showing underneath ...the sculpt is packed full of finely worked sculpting , the eyes themselves are well defined and very sharply cast and are equal in size as well .

The lines at the eyes are not overdone as are the bags under his eyes ...we wonder what this fellow has seen

Ears and nose are again a pleasure to see and look at , no casting issues either ( I look at everything under a optivisor to get all the details for you !!)

Hair is also well sculpted , I am happy to say the casting line on the neck ends when it reaches the hair at the back

Our subject sports a fine moustache and sideboards , very well worked ...all of this plus the accurate casting will make painting a real joy

The mouth is shut tightly underneath the moustache with the lower lip in evidence together with a strong and well structured chin

The neck tapers down to fit into the collar on the torso well

legion 021.jpglegion 017.jpglegion 019.jpg

legion 020.jpglegion 018.jpg


General Information:

The helmet or Raupenhelm was identical to the dragoons , the chin straps were black leather with braswork , after 1811 it was common for just leather to be seen particularly non officer ranks

Fittings were brass with a white plume , on a brass band was the regimental title CHEV-LEGERS-REGJMENT prefixed by the Regt number

The actual helmet was large and clumsy when worn with the inside often holding notebooks and the like , atop there was crest (sausage shaped) of bearskin for officers , generally wool for for troopers

The sculpt

The helmet is a large piece of resin with the plume in position ,I like this idea as it makes life a lot simpler when building although some might prefer it separate for painting

Overall a fine piece of sculpting with the brass chains being cast onto the body of the helmet along with the brass supports , the chains are finely done ( you could easily replace them with fine necklace chains if you wish .

Some sources show there to be small lions heads keeping the chains up , here we have plain boss on each side

The plume is large ( as it would have been for an officer ) and its good to see it not being sculpted straight but falling slightly to the side ...a good thing to look at , the detailing on the plume is sharp

The rosette is a good style again well defined

The crest itself sits proudly onto the top again good texture work

Around the lower edge we see the brass surround this is a really nice touch with the lettering being very cleanly done ( there is a G instead of a J in regiment ....but very simple to change should you wish to )

The helmet plate , oval in shape with the cypher and crown , looks good , perhaps a little smaller than it should be when looking at originals ...but again my opinion ...its not that difficult to rework using your chosen putty .

Fit to the head is accurate and no issues with the 2 locating pins , you could ( as I will is replace these with rigid wire )

legion 029.jpg The underside view

legion 026.jpg legion 027.jpg
legion 025.jpglegion 022.jpglegion 023.jpg

legion 024.jpg legion 028.jpg

Final thoughts

Another good release from Legion , packed full of character in the face , very good overall sculpting complimented by the casting

The subject matter is a good choice and with a bit of rework could be converted to other regiments

I received this and the chassuer in a single box but both are available separately , you can order from the website with ease

RECOMMENDED without doubt with a website that is easy to get round:)

Legion are members here ( user ID Andrey )
) you can order direct from him here on PF or via the website which is:

They also have a FB page:

Note: Andrey will offer a discount when orders are received from PF members as well ...thats much apprecited by all

Thanks to Legion for the review item and to you all for looking in(y)

Enjoy the benchtime


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