BBC D Day coverage


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Mat Lambert

A Fixture
Apr 28, 2009
Frodsham, Cheshire, United Kingdom
Hi all,
Watching the special BBC DDay coverage on catchup tonight...

Two older ladies recount girlhood memories of their village being visited by American GIs. During this the BBC decide to show only clips of British troops in berets throughout!

Then a British veteran talks about his experiences landing with the 3rd Infantry division. The BBC then illustrate this by showing loads of clips of GIs in landing craft and on the beaches!

Pretty much a 'that'll do as its from dday' approach.

COME ON BBC !! At least try and get some rudimentary image research right. Very disrespectful to the veteran guests I think.

They are probably working on the assumption that most people won't know the difference! I watched a quiz show late yesterday afternoon and a guy in his early 20's was asked where the battle of Waterloo was fought?.........the genius replied.....wait for it!.....England............ When asked the date of the battle over 30% of those asked replied 1066.
So we can probably conclude that kids these days , can't add up, can't spell and know naff all about History...........what do they actually teach them?

It's disappointing but I think it's a generation thing. It was our Dads and Grandads who did all the hard work,not our youngsters and, I suppose, to them it's ancient history.On the other hand I do despair about the lack of interest in our own history.I think the BBC should do all that they can to bring it home to our children what it was all about and what it meant.
Poor Gove -he's the only one in the last 20 years who has decided to do anything about it, the problem is a lot of the younger teachers have come through the same system so it is self defeating

Talking of teaching.
My son was learning about vowel's and he had an homework question.Which of the following vowel's can be used together A E I O U?.
He wrote the answer E and O. I told him they could all be used together.He then rewrote his answer before handing in it to his teacher.
A few day's later he came home and said "my teacher said I got the question wrong which mean's you were wrong Dad". I explained to him why I was correct in my answer,and the next day went to talk to his teacher.
The teacher was adamant that I was wrong when I gave her word's with vowel's that could be used together.
A few day's later I spoke with the Headmaster,who said I was correct and the matter would be sorted.
Here are the words that use the same vowel together.
Now this is unbelievable
A year later the same thing happened with my daughter and the same teacher:arghh:.No lesson learned there then.
The lefties have won the day, no education, no failure, no competition, no discipline and Health and Safety and the Legal profession rule.

I'm just off to hug a tree, that is if I can't find a Hoodie:rolleyes:

They are probably working on the assumption that most people won't know the difference! I watched a quiz show late yesterday afternoon and a guy in his early 20's was asked where the battle of Waterloo was fought?.........the genius replied.....wait for it!.....England............ When asked the date of the battle over 30% of those asked replied 1066.
So we can probably conclude that kids these days , can't add up, can't spell and know naff all about History...........what do they actually teach them?


Absolutely. Part of the problem is the number of related courses, the scope and overlap of subjects in the curriculum means that rather than enhancing the learning experience it, in my opinion dilutes it. It's probably worse in England than Scotland and believe me that would be hard to do.
Concentration is on developing young people with a wide range of skills to compete and contribute to modern society, no bad thing ..... but.
The current batch of teachers on the whole came through a similar and progressively restricted system into a job that is over regulated and excessively reliant on paperwork and results rather than outcomes.
History is one of the real losers. The Secondary / High School courses in Scotland concentrate on the Wars of Scottish Independence and then on the Rise of Hitler and the Holocaust. Even within these commendable areas teachers can't easily develop the lesson and learning experience for the pupils because of increased administration.
As a consequence many approach it as a series of soundbites designed to answer exam questions.
Most of us and certainly those of our age Keith will remember teachers who would deliver a lesson that concentrated on a particular subject, for example The Norman Invasion and take it down routes of the development of the English Language, the changes in the political and economic makeup of the country, how changes that happened then resonate with us today .... and still deliver the who the what and the when.
These were teachers who were passionate about their subjects and could concentrate on them and were not hamstrung by the grey suits
Sad that the failure of the system is in not recognising and creating added value in each subject for both the pupil and the teacher.

Scotland has tried to achieve this with the 'Curriculum for Excellence' where there is a recognition a range of skills can be developed very effectively within single subjects and out of school experiences, although it does need more consideration.................Guess what though..................... so much time has to be spent on preparation, assessment, evaluation, administration etc, that the core learning experience will be lost in the need to identify that Jack works well in a team and that Jessie effectively demonstrates empathy.
Talking of teaching.
My son was learning about vowel's and he had an homework question.Which of the following vowel's can be used together A E I O U?.
He wrote the answer E and O. I told him they could all be used together.He then rewrote his answer before handing in it to his teacher.
A few day's later he came home and said "my teacher said I got the question wrong which mean's you were wrong Dad". I explained to him why I was correct in my answer,and the next day went to talk to his teacher.
The teacher was adamant that I was wrong when I gave her word's with vowel's that could be used together.
A few day's later I spoke with the Headmaster,who said I was correct and the matter would be sorted.
Here are the words that use the same vowel together.
Now this is unbelievable
A year later the same thing happened with my daughter and the same teacher:arghh:.No lesson learned there then.

Now there's an illustration where the system cleary accepts a dumbing down of the English language.
The problem here is a teacher who has read something about vowel digraphs and completely misinterpreted it. Sounds as if she is one of these people who were taught that there were certain 'universal rules' regarding the use and sound of vowels within words ....... there isn't ...... there are guidelines.
The language is tough enough for kids to learn .... oe being a good example .....potatoes, foetid, shoes, poem and canoe.
Help ma boab thon teachers a numpty
Pretty Pointless generation. What amazes me is the lack of interest/curiosity shown by the young.

Pretty Pointless generation. What amazes me is the lack of interest/curiosity shown by the young.


Can't agree with you on this at all Geoff.
They are very far from pointless. They are the victims circumstances caused by the greed and corruption of their elders.
A recession brought on by 'highly educated' self serving opportunists, opportunities for some, none for others.
If you consider the social circumstances prior to the world wars I doubt very much young people and their interests were any more engaged with history or indeed anything that did not impact on them than those of today.
It's a pity but they are certainly not pointless.
Sorry Del, the Pointless reference was a clumsy reference to the BBC quiz show.


:ROFLMAO: See what you mean Geoff ....... sound bite learning stands you in good stead on this show ....... first time I've watched it, my daughter says that basically if you answer Central African Republic to any geographic question you're pretty much guaranteed to win ;)
Although it disappoints me that a lot of people aren't interested in really important moments in our history (I know quite a few 20 something's who wouldn't even be able to say when ww2 was never mind dday) my main point was with the programme makers.

I'm not usually a pedant about these things. I find research and historical accuracy a big part of my interest in the hobby but I appreciate it's probably not important to many others watching. But
it just seemed shoddy to drop so many 'clangers' one after the other and I felt it was a disservice to those who took part in both the programme and the event.

A history teacher in the States had an Enola Gay crew member give a talk to his class. He introduced him as being in WWII ("World War Eleven"):wtf: