Good morning Renato .
Your post is completely off track and you are deliberately harming the Marco production for a blame that was mine , not his one. I was only the sculptor and not the producer for this piece. Glad you liked the details and the sculpting of my previous figure that I did by myself and I am sorry to hear you had some problem with the 3D resin quality. The 3D resin is different from the classical one used for so many years so far , and need a different attention and working approach but I understand you had some problem about that. Anyway, getting back to this figure... The project was made for a conventional resin production, (not 3D ) and the figure is going to be released, casted and traded by Marco Ganghini under the Bestsoldiers company as a classical resin piece, and let me tell you that I saw the casting ...It's incredible detailed

So in the end , if your post was about some concern regarding the quality of the resin coming straight from a 3d printer......... It' completely off track. It's a classical resin piece with a classical resin casting.
Before writing something bad against a company ( absolutely with no blame for problems you had with my casting ) you should think twice before pushing enter
No resentment at all Renato , just a claerification ..... Peace and love and keep up the good work
