WIP Bill Sykes 1838


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I started on the figure yesterday,the face has been sculpted very well with the addition of the scar,i completed the face in a couple of sessions,first of all the face was given 2 thin coats of GW Tallern Flesh,i always use this colour when painting faces,once dry i laid in the oils colours working from light to dark,i find this easier for me when working in smaller scales,the mixes i've listed below:

Highlight - Tittanium White 30% + 5% Burnt Sienna
Base - Tittanium White 15% + 10% Burnt Sienna + 5% Gold Ochre (The reason i use gold ochre as to yellow ochre is because the yellow ochre contains black and i did'nt want the face to turn to greyish)
Shadow - 10% Burnt Sienna + 5% Burnt Umber
Deep Shadow - As above but with a little more umber added

5 o'clock shadow mix was achieved by mixing small amounts of charcoal grey (oil) to the base flesh mix,(i wanted to add this because i did'nt want the face to look too clean looking,i wanted the scruffy / unwashed look about him.

The eyes were first painted using off white,on the lower part of the eye i painted a very this line using GW dark flesh,the pupil was painted in using a Blue / Black mix from acrylic,the middle part of the eye was added using a light blueish colour,again acrylic and a white catchlight add using a very fine sewing needle dipped into the off white mix,my camera is not a top of the range model so real close ups i cannot achieve.

The neck scarve was painted using GW red,shaded with GW doomball brown,i added highlights for the red using an oil mix i favour for faded / worn red which is Windsor Orange mixed with Naples Yellow.

With the waistcoat i always intended to do a pin stripe pattern,i first undercoated the waistcoat in GW eshin grey,once dry i laid in the oils colours which were Mars Black + Tittanium White for a mid tone the added more white to the mix for the lighter tone and Burnt umber and black for the deepest areas,to further enhance the deeper folds i added acrylic black to the wet oil mix,these other areas were all then blended together,on the next session i added the stripes using GW chaos black thinned a litte with water for greater flow,once the stripes were laid in i then added very thin lines of off white acrylic adjacent to the black ones,the waistcoat buttons were first painted straight acrylic black and lightened by GW ushabiti bone + white,i have to confess here that the stripes on the waistcoat lapel are slightly narrower than the body of the waistcoat :mad:,i'm hoping it wont be too obvious and i'm leaving it as it is.,i will give it till next wed for the waistcoat oil colours to completely dry and then ill add a wash to tone it down a little,its important that i dont have the figure to bright at this point as the final phase with the figure wil be to replicate the light cast from the lamp,i shall use a similar technique as i used on the wall to pull everything together within the scene.

The hat is about 75% complete,i just need to add some touch ups to it but again this also will be affected by the street lamp,i will come back to this on another posting.

I've decided to go for a dark greenish coat with perhaps a blackish collar and cuffs,i dont want the coat all the same colour,the base colour for this i have laid in and will work on over the weekend as well as the dog.

Thanks for looking and happy modeling till next time (y)

Brian sykes figure 002.JPGsykes figure 003.JPGsykes figure 004.JPG

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