Review Black Watch 1758 from Altores Studio


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Here I am again with news from the bench,

This time we are looking at one of many releases in a flush of Autumn resin from the prolific company from Russia called Altores Studio ( YES I will be doing more in the very near future).

Altores have established themselves with many releases in all scales ranging from 54mm to 1/10th busts , single figures and vignettes all covering a wide variety of historical periods and subject matter.

In this visit to them we will be travelling back to the French Indian Wars and a regiment that fought at the Battle of Ticonderoga on July 8th 1758....The Black Watch
The release:​

Black Watch 1758 001.jpg

Battle of Carillon (later known as Ticonderoga).

For over four hours during the afternoon of July 8, 1758, British and French forces ruthlessly clashed in upstate New York atop the heights west of Fort Carillon, producing over 2,400 casualties – nearly 2,000 of them English. In a year of such memorable British triumphs this was truly an incredible and most tragic disaster. By nightfall, Major General James Abercromby’s army was in full retreat up Lake George, and the Marquis de Montcalm’s courageous Frenchmen remained behind their earthworks, celebrating a victory.

On July 8, 1758, the 80th Light Infantry, Rogers’ Rangers, and a battalion of Massachusetts light infantrymen advanced forward in a long skirmish line, driving the French pickets before them back to the earthworks. With the ground in front of the French position clear it was time to launch the grand European-style assault. Stepping out from the tree line at the base of the heights, over six-thousand men garbed in scarlet red moved forward in a line three ranks deep. The beating of drums and the shrill of the fifes pierced the air, and the shrill of Scottish bagpipes reverberated from the musicians amongst the 42nd Regiment of Foot – the “Black Watch” – near the center of the line. Forward they went with undaunted courage only to be cut to pieces by French small arms fire upon reaching their target .There the dead and dying lay tangled amidst the branches as their comrades struggled to press forward.

Again and again the regulars were ordered to advance, only to be met with the same result each attempt. Nearly four hours had passed since the initial line had stepped off and the situation was beginning to become desperate. In a last-ditch effort to pierce the French earthworks and turn the tide of the battle, the 42nd Regiment of Foot emerged and with a terrible cry the “Ladies from Hell,” charged forward.

As the “Black Watch” advanced up the heights, an officer of the 55th Regiment of Foot watched in admiration and said:

"With a mixture of esteem, grief, and envy, I am penetrated by the great loss and immortal glory acquired by the Highlanders engaged in the late bloody affair. Impatient for the fray, they rushed forward to the entrenchments, which many of them actually mounted. Their intrepidity was rather animated and damped by witnessing their comrades fall on every side. They seemed more anxious to avenge the fate of their deceased friends than careful to avoid a like death"

The “intrepidity” of the 42nd Regiment was not enough to carry the works. Their dedication and valour that day cost them dearly . Of the 900 or so men that the regiment took into the field with them that bloody day, 647 were casualties – 314 of that number dead on the field.

The Regiment had established itself with glory but at a heavy cost .

The regiments colours were changed in 1759 from the 1756 stand

z 1756 colours.jpgz 1756 colours regimental.jpg
z 1759 kings.jpgz 1759 regimental.jpg

Books are available here are a few I would recommend


And some reference pictures for you:




Continued in next post

Lets look at the release

Details here:

Title: Black Watch 1758

Reference: F75-060

Scale: 1/24th 75mm

Material: Gray Resin

No of pieces: 11

Sculptor: Dimitry Shevzov

Box Art: N/A

As usual we get the model in a good white box with a picture on the top ( in this case unpainted) , insise the resin was safe and sound with packing .
Black Watch 1758 001.jpg

Parts consist of main body less arms, head, 2 arms, water bottle, claymore , basket for claymore, baynot, musket , musket mechanism and finally a base.

Black Watch 1758 002.jpg


As I expected prep is minimal:
  • A simple bit of sanding on the bottom of the feet
  • Remove a fine casting line on haversack
  • Small casting plugs to cut away including one on the base underside
  • Fit the arms , bayonet, sword basket and the musket mechanism
  • The musket needed a little heat to make straight (use a hair dryer for safety to do this)

The figure depicts an officer wearing his kilt and plaid under which he has long leggings ideal for the conditions he fought in , he is a relaxed pose with the musket resting om his right shoulder , the right foot raised up to sit on a rocky outcrop on the base.

With so many pictures to share I will look at the main figure in this part.

Black Watch 1758 007.jpg

Black Watch 1758 008.jpgBlack Watch 1758 009.jpgBlack Watch 1758 010.jpg Black Watch 1758 011.jpgBlack Watch 1758 013.jpgBlack Watch 1758 012.jpg

Black Watch 1758 015.jpg Black Watch 1758 016.jpgBlack Watch 1758 015.jpgBlack Watch 1758 014.jpg

Black Watch 1758 014-001.jpgBlack Watch 1758 014-002.jpg

As you can see this is full of details from top to bottom with the pictures showing what skill the sculptor has achieved .

The lacing is very nicely shaped and correct in style , with the edge lacing being not overscaled , the belts themselves are very well done , sharply edged with very good undercuts and buckle details .

Folds on the uniform are natural in relation to the straps and the equipment worn, this includes a haversack , a belly pouch and of course the sporron.

The kilt is plain on the surface making the painting of the tartan a less of a problem , the plaid is held on the left shoulder , all very nicely shown with good folds again .

My favourite bit is of course the sporron ..nice details and above that the pouch with a well worked GR.

Under the kilt we have the leggings so often seen not only by this Regt but also in Rogers Rangers and other units all adapting to this type of warfare.

Continued in next post

On now to the remaining parts


These are natural in positioning the right holding the musket the left having a pipe in his hand ...enjoying a relaxing moment perhaps before battle not knowing if he will survive...we will never know.

Again nice folds on the material with really good cuff details including again the lacework , the hands are as usual ell formed and look good and in the case of the right holding onto the musket accurately .

The left holds a stemmed pipe (reduce the length if you wish) which has been well sculpted but be careful its delicate .

Fit to the torso is easy and presents no issues .

Black Watch 1758 017.jpgBlack Watch 1758 025.jpgBlack Watch 1758 026.jpgBlack Watch 1758 024.jpg


This is a very good sculpt with a scottish look about him , features are as previously well detailed m particularly the eyes being easy to get at for painting .

Black Watch 1758 020.jpgBlack Watch 1758 023.jpgBlack Watch 1758 018.jpg

Hair is long with a nice set of side whiskers , the hair has good texture worked into it .

Around his neck there is a cloth , soft in folds

On the head we have bonnet and its a great shaped one , with a small tourrie on top , well done on the side there is an excellent feather with nice texture effects and well cast , under that we see a rosette , all looking very good indeed , and in place at the back the ribbon as a bow with hanging ends

Black Watch 1758 019.jpgBlack Watch 1758 021.jpgBlack Watch 1758 022.jpg

Sword/Sword Basket/Water bottle

The sword is held in a scabbard , simple in style and suitable for the use it will be given , a good handle shaping with the fit being easy by means of a plug and a matching hole in torso .

Black Watch 1758 027.jpg Black Watch 1758 005.jpgBlack Watch 1758 006.jpgBlack Watch 1758 004.jpg

What I particularly like and am amazed it was cast so well is the basket its a great bit of work and looks very impressive in place ....a big pat on the back to Dimitry and the casting team at Altores for this .

The water bottle is the correct shape , tin at the time and sits easy to the haversack on the figure , the actual details are as they should be , you could add a small cord for the stopper if you wish .


The musket has the right style good work on the trigger guard , ramrod and on the sling which has been nicely cast on , you have to fit the mechanism ...this is very small and again well done to Altores for this ..certainly a challenge to cast separately .

Black Watch 1758 028.jpgBlack Watch 1758 029.jpg

The bayonet is in the scabbard and again a good sculpt , fit is at the front of the figure .

Black Watch 1758 003.jpg


Altores provide a more than suitable base textured with a rocky outcrop , cut outs are cast into the surfaces ready to take the figire .

Black Watch 1758 030.jpg

Final Thoughts

A well produced figure and this is going to be popular , a period we don't see much of , the sculpting and engineering are well up to the high standard we expect from Altores they reach it ..I think so .

Lots of challenges to paint on this the lacework, kilts , leather work a lot of happy benchtime is going to happen....but be careful of those small parts.

Another good addition to the Altores range and a great size to work on as well .

I see there is another one from this period ..a vignette ...Melee ...well worth a look and in 75mm

As we have no box art yet here are 3 pictures of the complete unpainted version from Altores


For details on this and more from them :
Website: Currently not available but here are their European suppliers
They are also a member of FaceBook and the forum here on PF
Thanks to for the review piece
And to you all for looking in
Happy Modelling
Very much underrepresented period. And seeing the bits close up in this, am going to get some..

To that end..and maybe already discussed as policy, but would help someone like me way far away to know retailers, availability from company site..