Black Watch Highlander, Waterloo 1815 - 54


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Nice looking figure, I like the pose of this one, very dynamic.

For the Brown bess you will be looking at the 3rd Pattern or better known as the India Pattern brown bess, it had an overall length of 140cm. These later patterns had shorter barrels than the first pattern.

here is a link with some good pictures that may be useful for you.


Tvůj Highlander se hodně líbí jednomu z našich zákazníků, který nás prosil o zprostředkování kontaktu, má velký zájem o zakoupení téhle figurky. Chce kromě toy soldiers začít vydávat i kvalitní stavebnice. Snad se nebudeš zlobit, že jsme mu poslali přímo kontakt na Tebe. Měl by se Ti ozvat ještě dnes. To je dobrá zpráva, ne? Ale pozor, na toy soldiers máme pro něj výhradní smlouvu my:stop:.

Nejen ze se nezlobim, je to skvely. Figurka je prodana, tedy vicemene. Diky, s tim jsem ani nepocital, ze to pujde tak rychle. A navic se rysuje moznost dlouhodobe spoluprace, coz je mazec. Mate to u me:). A nebojte, do hajemstvi low-cost figurek se vam plest nebudu;). Jeste jednou dik.
Nice looking figure, I like the pose of this one, very dynamic.

For the Brown bess you will be looking at the 3rd Pattern or better known as the India Pattern brown bess, it had an overall length of 140cm. These later patterns had shorter barrels than the first pattern.

here is a link with some good pictures that may be useful for you.


Thank You very much, Steve, I study it(y) . Borek
Hi, Borek. I found this image in Ugo Pericoli's book, '1815 The Armies at Waterloo'. The 42nd. used the 'Brown Bess' and I hope it helps.
JeffView attachment 124397

Thank you very much, Jeff, for your help. The picture of the rifle was very helpful. I have agreed with the prospective distributor that as a thank those dedicated to one figure done for free. I'll let you know as soon as it is readyundefined .

Figurine is ready, preparing for distribution, for now I do not have permission to notice distributor. Watch News. How will I have the opportunity, I will publish pictures of the finished model.

Hello all. Borek