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A Fixture
Oct 15, 2014

Okay since I got a new camera for a Chrissy present (well an old one, but much better than the dodgy phone I've been using for photo's) I thought I'd add a photo or two of the Andrea Blacksmith I finished at the end of last year. Since I'm still sorting out the best settings on the camera you'll have to bear with me . . .

It's 54 mm and painted in my usual acrylics (Vallejo and Andrea) The skin tone was built up with many washes on top of the usual mixture including purple and green in the shadows (This is a way I used to work for larger figures when I was painting eons ago. The washes are very thin and it' looks like you are just wetting the surface until the paint dries, but I've found it is a great way of adding interest to a large area of the same colour) I also added a tiny spot of Basalt grey to all the colours which helps the figure hang together. I tried to add some hairs to the arms and chest which might be just visible (I'm guessing waxing for that Tom Daley look wasn't popular at the time)
The base incorporates a modified Pegaso shield with detail added to the back in bamboo after the boss had been drilled out. The spear is wire and a the head was carved from solid using an old piece of a figure base. The bucket was built up from plastic card and turned into a bit of rabbit hole (You know the way that you innocently start looking up a small item on t'interweb and 3 days later emerge stuffed full of previously unknown information :) Who knew buckets weren't always the shape they are now?)

I also added a scrap of lead foil on the tang of the blade for a piece of cloth/leather.

Overall it's a lovely delicate figure and a real pleasure to paint. I'm tempted to do another one in a slightly different scheme, perhaps next to the light of a forge since I've always wanted to try a bit of directional lighting and this would be a great one to work with.

Happy New Year to all
PaulView attachment 332954
Thank you gents. :)

I was pleased with apron too OT - shaded as normal then lots of little dashes and smudges in colours which were very close to the background to build up the effect, then lightened towards the edges. Good fun trying to reproduce different cloth effects in any scale

ps - I also noticed I'd cracked the joint bending the spear slightly where it touches the shield when I took it to the club meeting hence the sliver of silver showing. It's now re-glued and touched up again.
Hi there Paul

Lovely artwork as akways mate , like the fleshtones ....he has a body like mine ...well toned if !!

Nice little set piece ...for me the shield and spear seem to float .....perhaps as he's a blacksmith a wall section with some tools etc or lean the spear etc against it .....but hey what donI know I do busts only,

Hey still cracking painting ...the apron has been mentioned ...what mixes did you use?

I also like the wood effects

Thanks for sharing


Why not put something into FOTM as well ?
Hi there Paul

Lovely artwork as akways mate , like the fleshtones ....he has a body like mine ...well toned if !!

Nice little set piece ...for me the shield and spear seem to float .....perhaps as he's a blacksmith a wall section with some tools etc or lean the spear etc against it .....but hey what donI know I do busts only,

Hey still cracking painting ...the apron has been mentioned ...what mixes did you use?

I also like the wood effects

Thanks for sharing


Why not put something into FOTM as well ?

Hiya Kev - Cheers mate it was clearly modelled on you (apart from the hair obvs.) :)

You are right in that I did wonder about a wall behind him originally since most of these guys would be indoors so that they can judge the colour of the flame by eye, but then I decided that I wanted to see all round the figure (To tell the truth the wall I made looked as if it needed a roof attached and then it grew a bit like Topsey and meant overhead lighting wouldn't have been quite right . . . .:confused: So in the end I decided to keep it simple and ram the spear but into the ground and rest a shield against it ready to grab on the way out.

Not sure what colours I used exactly for the apron I'm afraid; there were some browns from the Andrea brown set, brown sand, an old game colour 'old gold' I think, a couple of very dark blues and a very dark green, off-white, light flesh and deck tan for mixing - Not much help really :(

Excellent work throughout Paul.
That bucket looks excellent.


Thanks Andrew - although you can't see from the photos I also made the murky water inside from Miliput painted and varnished which I decided wasn't quite right after the figure had been sitting in the cabinet for a while so drilled and carved it out (whilst in-situ) and replaced with some tinted resin

Cheers all