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sam b

A Fixture
Sep 15, 2010
brighton england
Hi all
I thought Id show you what Im working on at the minute .... Its the Master Box BMW R75 with Mantis crew ( from Carl Barton ) and a Alpine figure. The figures are great as you would expect however building the bike and side car drove me mad but I got there in the end ! The seen is from Holland December 1944 the battle of the bulge with the BMW crew searching for the front line and being pointed in the right direction . The ground work will be snowy and muddy so most of what you see will covered .
The hole thing can be taken apart for painting and is just held in place with blu tac so I can get a feel for it , the stowed gear on the bike is from my bits box and the straps are lead foil .
Hope you like it .
Sam Brayne bmw04.jpgbmw03.jpgbmw02.jpgbmw01.jpg
The scene is very good, and nice to look at.

What do you think about adding a map on the knees of the man in the sidecar?
He seems to look down, it could be great to think that he try to find the way himself because both the others show different path.....
The seen is from Holland December 1944 the battle of the bulge with the BMW crew searching for the front line and being pointed in the right direction . The ground work will be snowy and muddy so most of what you see will covered
I'm not sure that locating the action in Holland is a good idea. In fact, the battle of bulge was in the south of Belgium, at the fronteer with Luxemburg. I think that the front in Holland was quiet.

I'm also not sure that the uniform of the alpine figure suits withe the battle of the Bulge. It is a uniform used in Kharkov on the eastern front. I never saw a pic with this uniform during the battle of the bulge.

Concerning the scene I think that it would look better if both soldier point in the same direction.

Another top quality piece on its way. Love the composition Sam it will be superb once painted up.


Sam loving this buddy !!!!!!!! :)right up my street ...

Great composition cant wait to see paint !

Mate im with Laurent though im not sure the two pointing in different directions works ? also the parka again not seen this used late on in 44' im sure they may have been,but by this time the parka was buttoned all the way down to the bottom.An easy fix for you just to add buttons and carry on the opening by scribing and a little putty. Or maybe swap that figure for another similiar one by Alpine/Mantis or Evolution all three do awesome eastern front figures.

Looks very nice Sam.
The battle of the bulge left Holland unaffected with the front relatively far away, but that's not really important for your scene.
I must admit that I find the different pointing directions a bit confusing...what's going on here?
If I may make a suggestion: I suggest the pointing arms point in the same direction, or, alternatively (and I think ths would add a fun story), they point in opposite directions with the pointing guys shouting at each other, and the third guy desperately looking at a map. To complete the story you could place a damaged and just-not-readable roadsign on the ground. Just an idea...

Really love what youre doing and I am sure it will be brilliant when finished. I have done a couple of bike scenes myself and due to the small size (1/32 scale) I had to paint the bikes in pieces and then fit them together. I have to ask, how are you going to get to all the fiddly little bits like the drum brakes behind the wheel spokes etc? I would be interested in seeing how you do this as I would love to construct the bike then paint it rather than vice versa.
Is it not the whole point of the scene that the guys pointing in different directions represent the confusion of which direction to go? The idea of one pointing one way and another in a different direction comes cross very well IMHO!
Hi all , thanks for all your comments and pointers ha ha ..... as for where the seen being set in Holland and if some bit of kit are wrong ill just call it lost in Russia ......sorted (y):whistle: David has got the idea, the lost bike driver , the man in the side car reading a map and the Grenadier all trying to show the way witch they think is right but in the snow and with all the confusion they are all lost .
Thanks everyone for your help in getting me on track .
Sam :)
I see what you and Dave F are saying Rgds being lost ! Makes sense ...

I think what it needs is to have the figures looking at each other yet pointing in opposite directions ?!! : )
Once again thanks for your comments .

Carlos I see what you mean ! Ill play with it n have a look at maybe a different head for the driver ..... will keep you posted mate (y)
great work Sam.
The Battle of the Bulge whas the Ardennen offensive and it is located in Belgium.
So you can put these names on the sign: Bastonge, Houffalize, Libramont.
The centre of the Battle whas Bastogne.

I think that soldiers pointing in different directions tells a story .... but I find that it brings confusion in what the spectator see. The latter is dispersed. On the other hand if both soldiers point in the same direction, this catches the look of the viewer and bring more intensity on the scene.

But well both will create a great scence :)

I'm really like this composition. I apreciate your good taste choosing the figures.
I agree the Laurent comment "I think that it would look better if both soldier point in the same direction."

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