Bob Knee Painted figures on sale by family


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
Recently I have been working with the Bob Knee family in preparing for the sale of Bob Knee’s painted figures that the family is selling. Over the next few weeks I will be posting over 60 figures that the Grand Master Bob Knee Jr has painted. Many have not been for sale before and this will give many an opportunity to add to their collection a figure painted by Bob Knee at an extremely good price.

Many Native American figures are just recently completed by Bob.

The figures will be on display at the upcoming Atlanta Show next month and can be picked up there as well.

I will identify the manufacturer of as many as I can of the figures listed below.

For any information on the figures, their price, etc please contact me at
[email protected]

Thanks, On behalf of the Knee family,


Native American Figures

The Victors side.jpg The Victors back.jpg

"The Victors"
120mm Sculpted by Paul Keefe

[ Sold ]
to be picked up at MFCA

Sioux Warrior front.jpg Sioux Warrior back.jpg

"Sioux Warrior"
54mm Pegaso

Hidasta Warrior front.jpg Hidasta Warrior Back.jpg

"Hidasta Warrior"
75mm Pegaso

Mohawk Sentinal front.jpg Mohawk Sentinal side.jpg

"Sentinal, F&I War 18th Century"
120mm PiliPili Miniatures
[ SOLD ]

Crow Warrior bust front.jpg Crow Warrior bust back.jpg

"Crow Warrior c.1800's"
Lost Battalion Miniature
[ Sold ]

Cheyenne Warrior bust front.jpg Cheyenne Warrior bust side.jpg

"Cheyenne Warrior"
1/9th scale Harton Miniature
[ SOLD ]

[ continued in next posting ]


Sitting Bull Hunkapa Sioux bust front.jpg Sitting Bull Hunkapa Sioux bust back.jpg

"Sitting Bull"
PilliPilli Miniatures

Blackfoot Warrior Chief bust front.jpg Blackfoot Warrior Chief bust back.jpg

"Blackfoot Warrior Chief"
1/9th Scale I&E Sculpted by Mike Good
[ On hold - to be picked up at Atlanta Show ]

Comanche Wolf Scout bust front.jpg Comanche Wolf Scout bust back.jpg

"Comanche Wolf Scout"
Boneparte Miniatures

Big Bear Osage Warrior bust front.jpg Big Bear Osage Warrior bust back.jpg

"Big Bear Osage Warrior"
PilliPilli Miniatures
[ sold ]

Apache bust front.jpg Apache bust back.jpg

"Apache, 1800's"

Apache Warrior front.jpg

"Apache Warrior"
The Lost Battalion
Box Art Figure

All inquiries email me at:
[email protected]

I will be posting additional figures that are for sale next week.

I have had numerous inquiries about the above figures. Don't let this opportunity to own one of Bob Knee's painted figures pass you by at these prices. I will mark the ones that are sold as we get confirmation from the buyers.
I just got confirmation that the "Mohawk" figure by PilliPilli is sold and is now marked as such below the description.

I have had numerous emails today from people asking about the figures.
I just got confirmation that the "Cheyenne" by Harton has sold. I have marked the photo caption as sold. We have recieved an amazing response from all over the world to painters who want a figure painted by Bob. I shall list the American Historical Period figures on Wednesday afternoon.
As of early May, 2009, Mrs. Knee reports she only has 15 figures left. Please contact Guy Herrick for an updated list if you are interested.

Here is a complete list of the figures the Knee family wishes to sell.

Category Category Description Name Size
Foot Figures
British British Foot Figure Britsh 35th Foot Regiment 120
British British Foot Figure Black Watch C. 1700 54 (SOLD)

Foot Figures
Marine Horse Marine Foot Figure China 1930's 120 (SOLD)
Marine Record Day Foot Figure First Lt. USMC C. 1920 120
Marine China Marine Foot Figure Boxer Rebellion C. 1900 120
Marine Diorama The Chosin Few Diorama 1st Marine Divison Chosin Resevoir, Korea Dec 1950 120 (SOLD)
Marine Diorama USMC Diorama Vietnam, C 1965-1975 120
Marine Diorama USMC Diorama Good to Go - Dessert Storm 120

Foot Figures
American Butler's Ranger Foot Figure US War for Independence 1777 54
American Lt. Corey Foot Figure Bunker Hill 1775 54
American Hall's Delaware Foot Figure Continental Line, US 1777-83 120 (SOLD)
American Lee's Legion Foot Figure Guilford Courthouse, US 1779-81 120
American 2nd. Battalion Foot Figure Georgia Infantry, 1862-1864 120
American 33rd New Jersey Foot Figure Volunteer Infantry, 1863-65 120
American 3rd New Jersey Foot Figure Volunteer Cavalry, 1863-65 120
American Gunslinger Foot Figure 1800's 54
American E. Comachero Foot Figure 1800's 54
American His Last Stand Foot Figure US 7th Cavalry 25 June 1876 120
American Busts Federal Cavalry Bust 1861-65
American Diorama Friend or Enemy Diorama Rogers Ranger and Stockbridge Mohegan 1755[59 120

Napoleonic Marie-Louise Foot Figure Young French Infantryman 120
Napoleonic Officer Foot Figure 125th Regiment 1812 120
Napoleonic Marshall Bessieres Foot Figure 1808-1811 120
Napoleonic Aide de Camp Foot Figure to marshall Murat, 1806 120 (SOLD)
Napoleonic Prussian Foot Figure Corp de Leutzow, 1808-1815 120
Napoleonic Chasseur Foot Figure of the Guard, 1808-1812 120
Napoleonic Trooper Foot Figure Lancer of Berg, 1808 120
Napoleonic Officer Foot Figure Old Guard Grenadiers, 1805-15 120
Napoleonic Napoleon Foot Figure 120
Napoleonic Napoleon Foot Figure 54
Napoleonic Guard Foot Figure Grenadier, 1800-1815 120
Napoleonic Hungarian Foot Figure Grenadier, 1805 120
Napoleonic Pavlov Foot Figure Life Guard, 1812-1815 120
Napoleonic General Foot Figure Kutuzov, 1812 120
Napoleonic Trumpeter Foot Figure Lancer of Berg, 1808 120 (SOLD)
Napoleonic Bavarian Foot Figure Grenadier, 1806-1812 120
Napoleonic Russian Hussar Foot Figure Pavlogradskii Regt, 1812 120
Napoleonic Aide de Camp Foot Figure to Marshall Suchet 1811-12 120
Napoleonic Kirkman Foot Figure 54 (SOLD)
Napoleonic Bust Guard Bust Fusilier Grenadier, 1806 120
Napoleonic Bust Dragoon Bust Officer of the Guard c. 1806-1814 120
Napoleonic Bust Guard Bust Polish Lancer 1807-1814 120
Napoleonic Bust Hussar Bust 120
Napoleonic Bust Davout Bust 120
Napoleonic Bust Officer Bust Horse Artillery c. 1806-13 120
Napoleonic Bust Chausser Bust Officer of the Guard 120
Napoleonic Bust Red Lancer Bust 120
Napoleonic Bust Officer Bust Swiss Third Regiment, French Service c.1809 120
Napoleonic Bust 25th Bust Demi Brigade, Egypt 1799 120
Napoleonic Bust Pontiatowski Bust 120
Napoleonic Bust Napoleon Bust Napoleon 200
Napoleonic Diorama A Whiff of Grapeshot Diorama 7th Cuirassier Trumpeter and Trooper 1804-1805 (SOLD-to some lucky devil!!!)

Foot Figures
Indians The Victors Foot Figure Gen. Braddock's Defeat, Western PA 1755 120 (SOLD)
Indians Sioux Foot Figure Warriors, 1870's 54
Indians Hidasta Foot Figure Warriors, 1870's 54
Indians Mohawk Foot Figure Sentinal, French-Indian War 18th Century 120 (SOLD)
Indian Bust Crow Warrior Bust c. 1800's 120
Indian Bust Cheyenne Bust Warrior, 19th Century 120 (SOLD)
Indian Bust Sitting Bull Bust 15th Century 120
Indian Bust Blackfoot Bust Warrior Chief 120
Indian Bust Comanche Bust Wolf Scout 120
Indian Bust Big Bear Bust Osage Warrior 120
Indian Bust Apache Bust c. 1880's 120
Indian Diorama Apache Warrior Mounted C. 1880's Diorama 120
American Historical Figures


Record Day front.jpg Record Day back.jpg

"Record Day"
First Lt. USMC 1920
[ sold ]

China Marine front.jpg China Marine back.jpg

"China Marine"
Boxer Rebellion 1900
120mm Vignette
[ sold ]

Chosin Few front.jpg chosin few side.jpg

"The Chosen Few"
1st Marine Division
Chosen Resevoir, Korea 1950
120mm Vignette
[ sold ]

Vietnam 1965-1975 front.jpg Vietnam 1965-1975 side.jpg

Vietnam 1965-1975
120mm Vignette

Good to Go - Dessert Storm front.jpg Good to Go - Dessert Storm Side.jpg

Good to Go
Desert Storm 1991
120mm Vignette

More figures to be posted today.
American Historical Figures


Butler's Ranger front.jpg butler's Ranger back.jpg

"Butler's Ranger"
AWI 1777
Elite Miniature 70mm

[ SOLD ]

Lt. Corey Bunker Hill front.jpg Lt. Corey Bunker Hill Back.jpg

"Lt. Corey"
Bunker Hill 1775

Hall's Delaware Front.jpg Hall's Delaware side.jpg

"Hall's Delaware"
Continental Line, 1777-1783

[ Sold ]

Lee's Legion front.jpg Lee's Legion back.jpg

"Lee's Legion"
Guilford Courthouse 1779-1781
[ sold ]

2nd battalion Georgia Infantry.jpg 2nd battalion Georgia Infantry back.jpg

"2nd Battalion Georgia Infantry"
[ sold ]

33rd New Jersey Infantry front.jpg 33rd New Jersey Infantry side.jpg

"33rd New Jersey Volunteer Infantry"
[ sold ]

3rd New Jersey Cavalry front.jpg 3rd New Jersey Cavalry back.jpg

"3rd New Jersey Volunteer Cavalry"

For pricing information please contact me at [email protected]

More figures to come next week.
American Historical Period - Continued

Gunslinger front.jpg Gunslinger back.jpg

"Gunslinger 1800's"
54mm Pegaso
[ SOLD ]

el comanchero front.jpg el comanchero back.jpg

"Comenchero 1800's
54mm Pegaso

His Last Stand front.jpg His Last Stand side.jpg

"His Last Stand"
US 7th Cavalry 25th June 1876


federal cavalry front.jpg federal cavalry side.jpg

"Federal Cavalry"


Friend of Enemy front.jpg Friend or Enemy back.jpg

"Friend or Enemy"
Rogers Ranger & Stockbridge Mohegan
The Lost Battalion

More to come
Napoleonic Historical Period
Part I

Marie-Louise French Infantryman front.jpg Marie-Louise French Infantryman back.jpg

Young French Infantryman
120mm Michael Roberts Ltd

Officer 125th rgt front.jpg Officer 125th rgt back.jpg

125th Regt 1812

Marshal Bessieres front.jpg Marshal Bessieres back.jpg

Marshall Bessieres

Aide de Camp to Marshal Murat front.jpg Aide de Camp to Marshal Murat back.jpg

Aide de Camp
to Marshall Murat, 1806
[ sold ]

Prussian Corps de Leutzow Lancer front.jpg Prussian Corps de Leutzow back.jpg

Prussian Corp de Leutzow

Any members interested in purchasing the above figures can contact Guy at [email protected]


Napoleonic Historical Period
Part II

Chasseur of the Guard Front.jpg Chasseur of the Guard back.jpg

Chasseur of the Guard 1808-1812

Trooper Lancer of Berg front.jpg Trooper Lancer of Berg back.jpg

Trooper, Lancer of Berg, 1808
[ sold ]

Officer Old Guard Grenadiers side.jpg Officer Old Guard Grenadiers back.jpg

Officer, Old Guard Grenadiers, 1805-1815

Napoleon 120 mm front.jpg Napoleon 120 mm back.jpg


Napoleon 54 front.jpg Napoleon 54 back.jpg


Guard Grenadier front.jpg Guard Grenadier back.jpg

Guard Grenadier, 1800-1815

Hungarian Grenadier Officer front.jpg Hungarian  Grenadier Officer back.jpg

Hungarian Grenadier, 1805

Pavlov Lifeguard front.jpg Pavlov Lifeguard back.jpg

Pavlov Life Guard, 1812-1815

General Kutuzov front.jpg General Kutuzov back.jpg

General Kutuzov, 1812

Trumpeter Lancer of Berg front.jpg Trumpeter Lancer of Berg back.jpg

Trumpeter, Lancer of Berg, 1808
[ sold ]

Still more figures to be posted prior to the Atlanta Show!!
Napoleonic Historical Period
Part III

Bavarian Grenadier front.jpg Bavarian Grendadier back.jpg

Bavarian Grenadier 1806-1812

Russian Hussar Pavlogradskii rgt front.jpg Russian Hussar Pavlogradskii rgt back.jpg

Russian Hussar
Pavlogradskii Regt, 1812

Aide-de-camp to marshal suchet front.jpg Aide-de-Camp to Marshal Suchet back.jpg

Aide de Camp to Marshall Suchet

Guard Fusilier Grenadier bust front.jpg Guard Fusilier Grenadier bust back.jpg

Guard Fusilier Grenadier, 1806

Dragoon Officer of the Guard bust front.jpg Dragoon Officer of the Guard bust back.jpg

Dragoon Officer of the Guard
[ On Hold ]

Guard Polish Lancer bust front.jpg Guard Polish Lancer bust back.jpg

Guard Polish Lancer 1807-1814

Hussar bust front.jpg Hussar bust back.jpg

Hussar Bust

Any interested persons please contact me at [email protected]

More to come!!
This will be the final 2 postings of the figures painted by Bob Knee that will be on sale next week at the Atlanta Show with the remained of the figures being available at the MFCA show in April.

Napoleonic Historical Period

Part IV

Davout bust front.jpg Davout bust back.jpg

Davout Bust

Horse Artillery Officer bust front.jpg Horse Artillery Officer bust  back.jpg

Horse Artillery Officer 1806-1813

Chasseur Officer of the Guard bust front.jpg Chasseur Officer of the Guard bust back.jpg

Chausser Officer of the Guard

Red Lancer bust front.jpg Red Lancer bust back.jpg

Red Lancer

Officer Swiss 3rd rgt. French Service bust front.jpg Officer Swiss 3rd rgt, french service bust back.jpg

Officer, Swiss 3rd Regt, French Service 1809

Poniatowski bust front.jpg Poniatowski bust back.jpg

Pontiatowski Bust

Napoleon bust front.jpg Napoleon bust back.jpg

Napoleon Bust


British Historical Period

british 35th foot regiment front.jpg british 35th foot regiment back.jpg

British 35th Foot Regiment
[ sold ]

Anyone interested in owning any of the above figures painted by the late Bob Knee feel free to contact me for pricing. [email protected]

I have up-dated my postings to reflect figures that have sold. The remaining figures will be at the MFCA Show April 24th & 25th. Mrs Knee will have a table there and the figures will be on display.