Completed Critique Bolshevik


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Thats a great realistic paint job you have done there and one of the best face painting jobs as well, with none of the overdone highlights and shadows that we usually see on models which only end up looking like a cross dresser with badly applied make-up.
Nice one.


Thats a great realistic paint job you have done there and one of the best face painting jobs as well, with none of the overdone highlights and shadows that we usually see on models which only end up looking like a cross dresser with badly applied make-up.
Nice one.

Hi Paul..aren't you exaggerating just a little too much?o_O
He's right there was a lot of cross dressing at Euro not from the Scottish contingent may I add .
And a few Aunt sallys as well;)

mmhh..Are you talking about the figures displayed there or some the audience looked like this?

Thats a great realistic paint job you have done there and one of the best face painting jobs as well, with none of the overdone highlights and shadows that we usually see on models which only end up looking like a cross dresser with badly applied make-up.
Nice one.


Paul, thank you for pleasant comment! I agree with you concerning highlights and shadows, I prefer to make them very soft. From my point of view overdone highlights and shadows can make the face flat and in this case we can't show the high quality of the sculptors work.
Hi Paul..aren't you exaggerating just a little too much?o_O

Sadly I wish I was, I have seen quite a few grossly over painted figures getting the painter all sorts of awards, which are also given out by their fellow over painters, so much so that everyone coming into the hobby thinks that's the way to paint, before long every figure looks like a cross dresser or a clown, sometimes it just needs a little restraint, and the result would but just so much more realistic. But who will have the courage to fight back, sadly we do all know the answer to that one as winning awards is far more important than realism and to win awards its clown painting or nothing. Don't beleive me just have a close look at the many award winners, you will see what I mean.

Hit the nail right on the head Paul,find myself toning everything down to this trend and know my fellow Scots are leaning this way.

Don,t get me wrong I am not criticising the the artistry it is very high, just not real.
to Quote a member on planet " deed coalminers come to lite"

Sadly I wish I was, I have seen quite a few grossly over painted figures getting the painter all sorts of awards, which are also given out by their fellow over painters, so much so that everyone coming into the hobby thinks that's the way to paint, before long every figure looks like a cross dresser or a clown, sometimes it just needs a little restraint, and the result would but just so much more realistic. But who will have the courage to fight back, sadly we do all know the answer to that one as winning awards is far more important than realism and to win awards its clown painting or nothing. Don't beleive me just have a close look at the many award winners, you will see what I mean.


Is the situation with competitions really so bad? I'm surprised...
I think it's important not to get too hung up on one style as being 'better' than another. It's simply a matter of preference and most of us will move between styles.
What we rely on, in competition at least, is that judges look 'beyond' the style and the medium used and examine the quality and technique against the published criteria.
I have stated already that at this year Euro I thought that overall the judges demonstrated noticable objectivity.
Don't visualise dead coal'll end up in the second available rubber room, the first is reserved for Ron.
You do realise Ana that Del "Alias Father Jack "is part of the get along which includes Capitano Bertirelli :)
and has a rubber room of his own