Book - Andrea Miniatures


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After reading so many posts of PF members who want the book but dont want the price, I'd like to make a one time offer. I'll take orders on this book from my site (or by e-mail), and hold a special low price for one week (till 11/18). After week is up, I'll place the order for quantity I receive from you.
The price is $69, which will include shipping & handling (covers some of my expenses also, such as credit card transaction fees, etc.). Believe me, at this price, I am not making any profit at all (and am not losing anything either!) i'm guessing the weight of the book will make shipping expenses high.
I'm doing this special as a thank you to the pf site & pf member support I've received from you.
I've set up a special link to this page on my site, which can only be accessed from this link:
Horan book
Order instructions are on this page. Please remember offer expires 11/18 and this URL link will not work after that date.
I'll ship all orders as soon as I get my delivery. I am asking for payment first, since I will only order same amount of books you order from this limited offer.
Best Regards,
John McNenney
Military Miniatures Warehouse
HI John

What a great offer from you thanks, will this cover costs to UK if not let me know the additional costs please and I will pay those too, if you will ship it to UK

Hey John,
That's a great offer and i would like to take advantage of it. I hope that you ship to Greece. I will e-mail you so i can see if i can place an order.

Hello Everybody,

Just wanted to thank John for his very kind offer concerning the preorder price for the book. John, I hope you don't mind - I e:mailed it to a bunch of people I know!

The book will sell in Europe for 75 Euros (that is suggested retail). The expected US Price of $100 is based to some extent on the lousy Euro to US$ exchange rate of E1 = US$1.30 (a record high right now!).

I saw the book on the Andrea Press computers in Madrid last week and it really looks great! It will be in stock in Madrid on 11-26 - it went to the printers yesterday!!

Bill Horan
Welcome to the planet Bill.
Thanks for the note about your upcomming book. It was a real deal that John offered and I am sure many will take advantage of his offer.(me included) I know many of us look forward to spending hours pouring thru its pages.
Welcome Bill

Do i assume it's an English language book only? I ask because I was thinking of ordering direct from Andrea; the Euro;pound rate is respectable and didn't want to get sent a spanish version! Have emailed them but awaiting response.

Glad to hear it's out in time for Christmas!!


Yes it is in English. If sales go well, they plan to put out other language editions at a later date, but for now only English is available.

Originally posted by RobH@Nov 11 2004, 11:46 AM
Funny; call me daft, but when you get older it's still nice to have a few things that get you excited with child like enthusiasm! This is one of them! :lol: But that's just me!
... Me too ! ;) Welcome to the "space" club ! ;)
For additional views of Bill's book, Glen Phillips, of, emailed me that they have additional views available at Squadron's website and all you need do is click on the "additional Views" button at the bottom of the picture.
Here are a couple more images Bill sent me of his figures that will be featured in the new book.

Guarde Mobile 1870


Officer Imperial Guard 1815

Hello again,
I've had more inquiries for orders outside the US than what I expected. I went to the Post office & received estimate on shipping outside US (using a hard cover 250 pp book), so I've updated my site to include ordering instructions for outside the US.
Bottom line, outside of North America, price is $75 including shipping. Inside North America (US, Canada, Mexico) price stands at $69 including shipping & handling.
John McNenney
Military Miniatures Warehouse

PS - Here's the link again -

Horan book

If you get to this link, and these new ordering instructions do not appear, try refreshing the page. I just changed this page on web site & it may take some time for your server to pick up the revision. No revision made for US customers.
Originally posted by Guy@Nov 11 2004, 05:10 PM
Rafa just furnished me a link to the Andrea website advertisement for Bill's book.

Bill Horan Book

Ive been looking all over Andreas site to find anything about the book(at least I think I have). Could you point me in the right direction. Or anyone else.

The price of 75 USD for orders outside the US seems like a good deal. But it feels kind of akward ordering something produced in Europe over the US. (Not that I havent done that befor :) ).

It seems like this would be the perfect christmas gift for me from Santa(namely myself).

Sorry about the link Janne......they must have changed the link code as it took me right to the link after posting it yesterday. As Andrea's website can be hard to manuever. I will try to find it and replace the old link.
The link works...........but first time it takes you to the market place. Close and second time to the book!

wierd, but it works for me!!!

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