A Fixture
Moving along, I have almost finished painting three of the five Belgians. Also, two of the Germans on the ground are finished.

Yeah, I think getting his butt up in the air and hugging the horse was exactly the pose I wanted. I had to fiddle with his neck for a long time to get his head at the right angle. He is looking slightly off to the side and to the back in a disciplined panic.Originally posted by Dan Morton@Sep 18 2005, 05:25 AM
Very nice, Bob! The look on the face of the Uhlan, the pose, including the horse, it really "sells" the idea that he's riding hard. Great stuff!
All the best,
Well, I seem to be attracted to these types of mini epicsOriginally posted by garyjd@Sep 18 2005, 05:33 PM
Bob, That's an amazing amount of work. I cannot imagine doing a scene of such scale and you've done several. I love early war subjects.~Gary