British Airborne Denison smock question


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Staff member
Nov 24, 2005
I'm starting on the "classic" Verlinden "A Bridge too Far" 2 figure set in 120mm and need to find out if chevrons on the smock was standard or common? Looking through numerous google images, I find illustrations, 1/6 action figures and re-enactors wearing smocks with chevrons, but in actual WWII photos of the battle I see very few. Am I missing them, or is the addition of chevrons artistic license? I know I'll need to resculpt the cuffs to an earlier version, just need to know if I need to lose the chevrons as well? Any and all help is appreciated.

Best part is I got it from Scale Hobbyist for $34, apparently their last one. Meanwhile, Dragon Hobby is schilling theirs for a cool $99.95 and hopefully they are collecting dust.
Chevrons were worn, normally on the right sleeve only, on the Denison. They didn't look like those broad white ones on the model above, but narrower, more subdued in buff on khaki .
Hi Jason.
If you google Sergeant Jock Walker you'll find a good photo of the chevrons.As already said- Right arm only.
Arguably one of verlinden's best, I've done 3 of these in my lifetime, 2 were for airborne mates leaving the army and the other was made to look like a sort of weathered bronzed statue, again for a good mate as a birthday present from his missus. I've still got another one in my grey army awaiting the right Arnhem type diorama idea that will be taking shape shortly (I hope).