Completed British Tanker Western Desert 1941 (Young Officer)


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As the chaps would have said at the time, and to not make too much of a fuss about someting that is truly excellent.......
"I say....that looks really rather good old chap,
well done. Of course, he rowed for Cambridge you know".

Really wonderful so much character.

I really love it, especially the dented tin hat, but I am not convinced by the goggles on top of the the tin hat-they just wouldn't stay there. If he was wearing them when he moved them , I think they would be more likely to be round his neck.
but it's a great sculpt other than that.
Merryweathers post made me look at this again
and I have just noticed....(if it is not too late to adjust)....
Where the gaiters/anklets overlap and fasten, the top and bottom corners are cut off at a diagonal angle and not square as shown here.
A tiny point but I thought you might like to know.

Hi Helder...really an amusing figure...i like so fact i ordered three of this figure and i have your first Hunikum british figure too.......i hope you will realize other british desert soldiers under Hunikum label.....they are really fine and increase the british desert figures on market.....really poor actually.....!!!!

Mario from Italy.