Excellent, then one of the best things to use is Image > Adjustments > Shadow/Highlight. You can get much the same improvements using Levels and Curves, but it's much simpler (and faster) with Shadow/Highlight.
If all the shots from one session, or all photos from your camera, are quite similar in how dark they turn out then once you've found a good set of settings for each of the sliders you can save them as your default for this tool, so subsequent photos can be adjusted very quickly, should take no longer than a second or two per image - just select S/H, hit Enter and if you're lucky and no other adjustments are required you can then immediately resize for web viewing, apply a little sharpening and then resave.
Later on if you want to go one step further you can create an Action of this kind of adjustment, where Photoshop can be automated to carry out all these steps in sequence to an entire folder of photos, without harming the original high-res photos.