I really like it but can't get over the way the Buffalo hunter is 'sitting' in the sadlle. It would be very hard riding like this (I ride myself and wouldn't dream of attempting riding like this myself). The balance is off, the horse won't get any leads on the side of the pulled up leg. Reins are slacked so no contact with the horse there. Firing a .50 Buffalorifle packs a punch even on the ground. Firing the rifle in this position from a galopping horse would most likely knock you out of the sadlle because of disbalance and recoil. And I really don't see why you would want to ride like this (whats the reason?)
Please don't get me wrong,
I absolutely love the sculpting and it is my field of interest but the unnatural and unlogical riding position raises an eyebrow (based on riding experience rather than expertice: for all I know all Buffalo hunters rode like this???)
Great link which spots several photo's of a Buffalo hunter monument (also included in your 5 page booklet) which I would like to see on the scale modeling market