Call the fire brigade!


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Blind Pew

PlanetFigure Supporter
Mar 5, 2005
Carlisle, England
How about this one?
Imagine your house burning down (God forbid) and you can only rescue three kits
which ones though? He's my choices......

1. Kirin's 120mm HIghland Clansman from 1993 (still in the plastic!) What a figure, I still don't think I've got the skills to do it justice. And no its' not for sale.

2. Poste Militaire's mounted Chasseur a Cheval. I think this was their last release. I read this described somewhere as probably the best Napoloenic kit ever. If there's a better I certainly haven't seen it.

3. Time Machine Miniatures' 54mm Gaines Mill Vignette. Eight 5th NY zouaves on the same base, it really is the business. Shame it was a limited edition and more people can't enjoy it.
These are my nominations at least. They may be shared by others, I don't know.
Boy is this a tough one - my collection of figures exists because I love them all, otherwise they'd go for adoption !

1/ This would have to be Fort Ducquesne's 120mm Mounted Sioux Wickiska Society warrior, not only is it an exceptional kit but I got it as part of a retirement gift when I left the police.
2/ Poste Militaire's Rainy Mountain Charlie the greatest piece of casting I have ever seen.
3/ No matter what I choose for 3rd will mean leaving lots behind with sentimental reasons for retaining them but I am going to pick Almond Miniatures 90mm Hidatsa Dog Dancer - one of my oldest figures still in my collection and a true classic.
I do not have very many kits (some are on Ebay right now). Given that I would have to say My Fort Duquesne German Imperial Marine/Army Ensign bust (sculpted by Derek Hansen), The Fort Duq Crimean war Grieve Highlander, and a Mike Good Chinese Boxer, a "classic" figure that was produced in small numbers way back in the 80's.~Gary
No problem with this question. I'd leave all the kits ( and they are many ) and grab the works of sadly missed Masters Henri Lion and Joe Keenan as well as the original work of the only unrecognized contemporary Master Paul Keefe. Kits are replaceable. The sweat and effort of others of talent irreplaceable.
It's hard to be original with so many smart guys here! My choices are similar:

Fort Duquesne German Imperial Marine Ensign bust
Mike Good Chinese Boxer
Kirin HIghland Clansman
What a horrible thought :eek: , but if it ever happened I would save the following. The first two are not really anything rare or super expensive, they just happen to be my favorites.

1. Warriors SS officer in dress uniform 120 mm
2. Jaguar Hauptmann German Cavalry 1944, 120 mm (both by Brian Stewart)
3. unknown maker, Special Agent Fox Mulder, 1/6 scale resin I picked up a few years ago. I'm saving this one for a masterpiece project with a shadowbox when I feel my skills are good enough ;)
Fellas, thanks for joining in the spirit, shame more planteers haven't. I did this to see if the same ones would keep cropping up. Even with fews replies, I see soem kits have had repeat nominations. I expected this, as some kits really ARE masterpieces in their own right.
Jim, I did consider a thread about those kits best used as fuel for the fire, but thought I'd upset too many people! I've certainly got one or two nominations for that category.
Hi Anthony

Sorry I missed the beginning of this thread. My three for rescue would be:

Soldiers 54mm Eques Praetorianus (a better mounted ancient I've yet to see)
Michael Roberts 54mm 101st Airborne - Normandy (the detail is unbelievable)
Mike Good's "Boxer" (yes, I've got one too, and it is a classic)

As for ones to consign to the fire, well there is a whole battalion of 'em, and with due regard to another thread running at present - they have all been made in the last two years.

Thanks and regards

Time Machine's Gaines Mill vignette would definitely be my #1.
#2-Andrea's Tom Doniphan figure. John Wayne was my dad's all-time favorite actor.
#3-Time Machine's Teutoburger Wald part 1, 'Surrounded'.

There's enough figures here to keep me occupied while the house is being rebuilt with a larger spare room to set up shop.


To Keep would be:

1) John Rosengrant's 1/9th scale German MG42 Gunner which he did for Kirin. Hard and expensive kit to get a hold of!

2) Mike Good's 1/12th SS Obersturmfuhrer bust from Jaguar

3) The Shrek Bust I sculpted would be comming as well!

As for kits to throw in the fire...thats tough! I like all my kits no matter what, but I do have some old junk Belgo figures that wouldnt be no loss. Another one that may surprise you is S&T's 1/9th scale Confederate bust by Rosengrant, hate the durn thing! Altough I still need to paint one up..aaargh!
Hmmm, tough question.

Let's see. I'd probably grab the S&T 101st Normandy paratrooper, too.

Also, my almost finished Moments in Time vignette.

The third would be my Fusilier RFC figure. The one I had to contact the them for the Westie!!
Hey! How come we only get to save three Anthony? :lol:

With so few the selection process almost becomes arbitrary - how do you pick one five-star kit over another? - but thinking about it last night I'd have to go with:
1. Ft. Duq. Mamluk, sculpted by Julian Hullis.
2. Poste Militaire Blood bust, sculpted by Julian Lamb (I'd want to save all three of the unpainted busts in this line in all honesty but this is the one I want to paint again the most)
3. Pegaso Louis de Nevers, sculpted by Adriano Laruccia.

And I don't care if this violates the rules but I'd have to grab my head sculpts because there's no way I'm going to redo 50 from scratch! Besides they all fit into a couple of 35mm film canisters which I could throw in a pocket on the way out the door :)

If we don't speak about figs already painted my three would be:

Ft Duq Mounted Samurai by Emmanuel Valerio. The precision of fit has to be experienced (like a Tamiya kit) and the overall sculpting is outstanding. That one has to wait until I consider myself good enough for it.

Jaguar: Derek Hansens Prussian Dragoon Officer . A classic.

Andrea 90 mm Guard Grenadier. Very impressive to me.

However thats a very tough choice. The more I think of it the more fantastic figures I would need to rescue. However I would try to get out the painted ones first.

Of course I would smuggle some old Airfix 20mm soft plastic figs out in my pockets. They went through my childhood battles and started my fascination with figures !