There was a 120mm Resin camel corp figure, produced by myself, cast by TV models (when the partnership of Dirk and Ian went their seperate ways, Dirk took the company and renamed it Scotia Models) in total there was only about 50 cast. However as my own circumstances changed and I went to work in Dubai, the figure line I had ceased... I did sell some masters, but cannot remember who got them, although I believe James Welsh in Belgium did end up with some, however I could be mistaken.
Im back sculpting, having spent many years in the desert, watching camels etc, and now have loads of extra photos, reference material, although the tan is fading...
and have now started with smaller scales, 1/48th scale and 1/35th scale (in 48th scale already have 4 camels cast - two seated, one seated with saddle, and a standing one with arab warrior, in 35th scale, will be putting the finishing touches to a seated one today, before sending to casters later this week)
Hope this helps