Capt Georges Guymer, WWI Ace


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
Capt. Georges Guynemer “The Winged Sword of France”
France’s most beloved Ace, WWI, 53 Victories
Manufactured by Model Cellar Productions
Sculpted by Tom Sollers
10 parts
MSRP $28.50


This is the 2nd kit I received from Model Cellars and I can only saw WOW… far as the detail to the figure. I was told the medals were photo etched in brass and then applied to the Master Sculpt prior to casting. The detail is remarkable for their size on the chest. The kit again comes wrapped in bubble wrap for protection during shipping and arrived intact.



The figure is comprised of 10 resin parts virtually flash / seam free.


The head is again seam free and fits right down into the torso/chest part with the hat visor being a separate part for added realism.


Side view


A closer view of the head / chest shows the attention to detail the medals are given as though they were separate little medals pinned right on the casting.


The casual drapery of the folds is remarkable with attention to every detail.


* continued in next post *
Rear view


Coat hanging over left arm is excellent as far as drapery and folds.


The legs/boots are sculpted in exceptional detail right down to laces for each loop.
And are clearly right and left boot.


Underneath the overcoat that is draped over the left arm the hand is holding the right glove and is sculpted with remarkable detail as to show the seams in the leather gloves.


Below is the left arm (which the coat drapes over) and after dry fitting the arm / coat / gloved hand fit perfectly.


A complete color guide, historical reference note as well as a comprehensive color guide for the medals is included with actual color photos of the medals.




I find this figure to be an exceptionally sculpted figure with a tremendous attention to detail and accuracy. After looking at several actual photographs of Capt. Guynemer found the likeness that Tom Sollers has achieved to be amazing.
This is an excellent portrait figure. The likeness is dead on and the detail is first class. (I have a kit that I purchased at the world Expo in Boston last year).

Tom Sollers has an uncanny knack for portraiture. This is often difficult for the best sculptors. Tom makes it look easy. First class stuff!

That is an exceptional piece of miniature sculpture. I met Tom about 4-5 years ago and got together with him at MFCA. He brought along 3 1/16 scale portrait figures and a small assortment of 1/48 scale WW1 pilot portait figures. Though his larger scale figures of Montgomery, Rommel, and the "Red Baron" were uncanny likenesses, his 1/48 scale portraits were unbelievable. Tom seems very particular about his work and I think future releases, if he dos them will be produced by tom himself.~Gary

Check out this page of Tom's work on this World War 1 modelling site. The 1/48 heads really are unbelievable.
Hi Guy,

very nice figurine
It is perhapes of interest, taht according to German losses, Guynemer was the most successful Allied fighter pilot. He had more vitoriesas he got credited, approximatly over 60.

Best regards
