Hi everyone
Comedy series on the television have and still do have great characters in them and none so more that one that ran from 1974-1981 called "It ain't half hot mum" , one in particular played by the late Windsor Davies was BATTERY SGT MAJOR "SHUT UP" WILLIAMS Royal Artillery
It was with many smiles and much revisiting the TV series episodes ....Who can forget the flag lowereing ceremony with another star of the shown Don Estelle aka "Lofty" ( purely for reference of course !!!)
It was announced here https://www.planetfigure.com/threads/chest-out-from-ybros-sculpts.301084/ by PF member Chris Stoffy that he was releasing a bust of the epitomy of the programe....BSM Williams
I and many others had to get a copy and off went my message to Chris ....in Australia ...one arrived very quickly considering the distance
Details of the release
Tiitle : "Chest out"
Reference : YSB 01
Scale : 1/9th
Material: Gray Resin
No of part : 4
Sculptor : Chris Sorby
Casting : Oz Mods
The resin was in a clear bag with this in a foam wrap , all held in a good strong cardbaord box , on the front the unpainted model
Out of interest ...why "Chest out" .....simply because the BSM often pumped up his chest out like a peacock ...the shirt straining !!
The company name YBROS is of course Chris's name in reverse
Parts consist of 4 , torso , head , beret, and a post to use if you wish
General comments
The 32 millimetres (1.3 in) wide ribbon is grey flanked by narrow red stripes, with broad green stripes at the edges
The ribbon is 32 millimetres wide, with equal width bands of Navy blue, Army red and Air Force blue, with the dark blue band representing the Naval Forces and the Merchant Navy, the red band the Armies and the light blue band the Air Forces. The equal width bands represent the equal contributions of the three service arms towards victory.
The ribbon is 32 millimetres wide, with a 3½ millimetres wide navy blue band, a 4 millimetres wide dark yellow band and a 3½ millimetres wide navy blue band, repeated and separated by a 10 millimetres wide Army red band. The dark blue bands represent British Naval forces, the red band represents the Commonwealth Armies and the dark yellow bands represent the sun.
The ribbon is identical to the one that was introduced for the Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal in June 1916. It is 32 millimetres wide and crimson or sometimes reddish violet, edged with 3 millimetres wide white bands.
Continued in next post
Comedy series on the television have and still do have great characters in them and none so more that one that ran from 1974-1981 called "It ain't half hot mum" , one in particular played by the late Windsor Davies was BATTERY SGT MAJOR "SHUT UP" WILLIAMS Royal Artillery
It was with many smiles and much revisiting the TV series episodes ....Who can forget the flag lowereing ceremony with another star of the shown Don Estelle aka "Lofty" ( purely for reference of course !!!)
It was announced here https://www.planetfigure.com/threads/chest-out-from-ybros-sculpts.301084/ by PF member Chris Stoffy that he was releasing a bust of the epitomy of the programe....BSM Williams
I and many others had to get a copy and off went my message to Chris ....in Australia ...one arrived very quickly considering the distance
Details of the release
Tiitle : "Chest out"
Reference : YSB 01
Scale : 1/9th
Material: Gray Resin
No of part : 4
Sculptor : Chris Sorby
Casting : Oz Mods
The resin was in a clear bag with this in a foam wrap , all held in a good strong cardbaord box , on the front the unpainted model
Out of interest ...why "Chest out" .....simply because the BSM often pumped up his chest out like a peacock ...the shirt straining !!
The company name YBROS is of course Chris's name in reverse

Parts consist of 4 , torso , head , beret, and a post to use if you wish

General comments
- Casting is good overall , but the shirt will need a little work on deal with the casting lines particularly on the left side , underneath the sleeve needs tidying up by sanding
- The shirt depicted is the green shirt and not the best dress version ...both are seen in the series
- There are plenty of creases on the shirt all adding interest
- I will define the pockets undecuts and also redo the medal ribbons
- The neck area is very cleanly done ....allowing a good fit of the head
- Facial features is SPOT ON
- Beret fit is very good with no filler needed
- Some might to like the moustached ends more prominant

The 32 millimetres (1.3 in) wide ribbon is grey flanked by narrow red stripes, with broad green stripes at the edges

The ribbon is 32 millimetres wide, with equal width bands of Navy blue, Army red and Air Force blue, with the dark blue band representing the Naval Forces and the Merchant Navy, the red band the Armies and the light blue band the Air Forces. The equal width bands represent the equal contributions of the three service arms towards victory.

The ribbon is 32 millimetres wide, with a 3½ millimetres wide navy blue band, a 4 millimetres wide dark yellow band and a 3½ millimetres wide navy blue band, repeated and separated by a 10 millimetres wide Army red band. The dark blue bands represent British Naval forces, the red band represents the Commonwealth Armies and the dark yellow bands represent the sun.

The ribbon is identical to the one that was introduced for the Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal in June 1916. It is 32 millimetres wide and crimson or sometimes reddish violet, edged with 3 millimetres wide white bands.
Continued in next post