Review Captain James Flint from Legion Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to all

Lets go to a a time before the period of Treasure Island , approx 40 years before when piracy was in its heigh day and the oceans were full of marauding ships ...full to the top of pirates all eager to get rich ...quick and no matter how ......sounds like this could be a series on TV etc .....well it was ...BLACK SAILS ....

Now I have to admit I have not seen any the series apart from misc clips on Social media......the part was played by Toby Stephens and like the series the character has a cult following

The release has been picked up by Legion Miniatures so we can expect something very good

Here's a few pics of him in costume which you will I am sure find useful when painting

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Details of the release which was announced here on PF

Title: Captain James Flint

Reference: LMBT 108

Scale: 1/10th

No of pieces: 10

Material: Medium Gray resin

Sculptor: Alexander Bodunov

Casting: In house

Box Art: N/A on Review box


As usual the parts were in a laser cut box with the usual side pictures , on the lid a unpainted version of the piece

One thing you will see is that there is a option to have him bareheaded as well ...nice thinking from Legion

Legion Pirate Flint 001.jpgLegion Pirate Flint 002.jpg

There are 9 parts , main torso with head right arm , left side with arms cast on , hat , 3 feathers , sword handle grip handle basket and a Telescope

This first pics shows something that needs highlighting ....The EXCELLENT PACKING OF DELICATE CAST FINGERS ...SO EASILY BROKEN IF NOT PROTECTED LIKE THIS ....well done Legion (y)

Legion Pirate Flint 003.jpg

The 2nd unpacked

Legion Pirate Flint 004.jpg

Continued in next post

Let us set sail wih the Captain


I was not expecting too much after seeing others from this company and indeed there is very little to deal with
  • Remove casting plugs from underneath torso and left side piece
  • Remove casting from right shoulder on arm and from under left elbos
  • Tiny cast line to easily sand off on leftarm on underneath
  • Remove casting plug from underneath hat and from telescope
  • Make up sword and fit
Legion Pirate Flint 018.jpg
Lets look at the larger of the pieces

Main Torso

As you can see it comes with head cast already on looking to the left along the line of the telescope he holds lower

The face is a really good sculpt and IMO looks close to the characater in the series , excellent facial work , eyes spot on in shaping . lovely lines around the eyes , lower eye lids defined well , nasal area as good , the forehead shows the lines on the forehead , ears are good well shaped ....absolutely no miscasting

Hair is well shaped and has the look of the man , pulled back on each side held together in a tie at the rear , the texture and definition on the hair is very good , the details continue on the beard and very talented sculptor in Mr Bodunov

The clothing again is as in the series and is full of lovely details , stitching , buttons are well formed , the full shirt has good folds with the neck areashowing a nicely styled opening , the upper collar cleverly cast away from the neck area

Around the waist a profusion of belts , beltwork stitching with the buckles different in type but all crying out to be painted

On the left side we have the sword scabbard , open ready to take the sword with ease

The left side is designed to have the other piece of the coat fit into does this easily

Legion Pirate Flint 005.jpg

Click on smaller images for a fuller view

Legion Pirate Flint 006.jpgLegion Pirate Flint 007.jpgLegion Pirate Flint 008.jpg
Legion Pirate Flint 009.jpgLegion Pirate Flint 010.jpgLegion Pirate Flint 011.jpg
Legion Pirate Flint 013.jpgLegion Pirate Flint 014.jpg
Legion Pirate Flint 015.jpgLegion Pirate Flint 017.jpg
Legion Pirate Flint 012.jpgLegion Pirate Flint 016.jpg

Continued in next post

Now to the remaining resin

Left side

This is a clever way of casting and a good decision with the fingers , packing was tight in the box but careful removal of the protective padding caused no breakages

The resin again is as detailed as expected , the edging has 9 lace lines ...corresponding with the buttons , no blemishes ...there are another 3 with buttons at the cuff

Fit to the main torso is spot on with no filler needed , being cast like this allows the modeller to separate paint
the pieces with no worry about the fit after , this piece seems to wrap into the torso well

I mentioned the fingers earlier on word ...WONDERFUL ...but delicate in the postion they are cast , finger nails are there and the folds in the skin on the palm also

Legion Pirate Flint 019.jpgLegion Pirate Flint 020.jpgLegion Pirate Flint 021.jpgLegion Pirate Flint 023.jpgLegion Flint Arms 001.jpgLegion Flint Arms 003.jpg

Legion Flint Arms 006.jpgLegion Flint Arms 004.jpgLegion Flint Arms 005.jpgLegion Flint Arms 002.jpg

Right Arm

The casting continued to be extremely high matching the sculpting ...the arm is bent at the elbow with the folds and creases well done and natural

The cuff details are good , sharply lined in pace with good button shaping, fit to the torso presents no issues

The figers are again a great bit of sculpting fully detailed , the forefinger raised , holding what will be the telescope

Legion Flint Arms 007.jpgLegion Flint Arms 009.jpg

Legion Flint Arms 008.jpgLegion Flint Arms 011.jpgLegion Flint Arms 010.jpg


What to say except this has certainly seen wear cuts and indentations at the rim but not overdone , we have a hole ...a pistol ball perhaps ??

The surface texture is really nice and will benefit careful painting including washes to bring out this

On the bowl of the hat there is a oval cutout this is to position the additional large feather , I say additional as there is one already sculpted on ...very well done as well

The remainder of the feathers to fit include a full one and 2 long and thin ones ...all display good sculpting , you could shape the smaller ones by using a warm source ie hot water careful !!!

The underside is cast to fit onto the head with no problems and certainly looks good in place ...the choice is yours ..if you choose bareheaded then you can really work on the hair details

Legion Pirate Flint 034.jpgLegion Pirate Flint 035.jpgLegion Pirate Flint 036.jpgLegion Pirate Flint 037.jpgLegion Pirate Flint 038.jpgLegion Pirate Flint 039.jpg


Consisting of 2 pieces the handle which fits perfectly into the basket and then into the baldrick on the left side

I must say the casting of the sword basket is excellent , and very well shaped ....but be careful !!!

Legion Pirate Flint 040.jpg


Fully extended and sitting into the hands , nothing much else needed you can see it on the main picture

Final thoughts

Well this has been a enjoyable look at what is a very well designed piece of sculpting and casting ...going to be a popular piece I am sure . Easy to prep and plenty to get the brushes round(y)

Be careful unpacking though ...perhaps a slightly bigger box with pieces like this

I no hesitation is saying this warrants zxx.jpg

Contact details

Legion are members here ( user ID Andrey )
) you can order direct from him here on PF or via the website which is:

They also have a FB page:

Thanks to Legion for the review item

Cheers also to you all for looking in

Enjoy the modelling

Great review with plenty of information K.:)
Looks like a fine rendition of the character. Hope it does well for Legion, I might even be tempted . . . .