Caucasian Mountaineer. The late XIX century.


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Vladimir Sychev

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2014
Rostov-on-Don, Russian-Federation
Hi, friends!
Another of my work. 60 mm.
As always - MagicSculpt.
Variant 1
Variant 2
Friends, thank you for your interest in my work.
That variant 2 is the best.
No, Marc. Variant 2 – additional. And Martin agree with that too.
Perfect figure . Excellent movement and transferred to the character of a warrior . This is art!

Thank you for a very high score, Rodion.
I would prefer the first variant with Burka as an alternate part!
Yes, Martin. Variant 2 – fiction. Hard to fight in the Burka on foot. Uncomfortable.:);)
I can only hope that I will one day be able to make such a perfect figure.

This day will surely come!
I like both

Thank You, Mortier. I tried to do good.
Yes. Vladimir did you sell THİS FİGURE firm for MERCHANDİSE???

Yes, ATTİLA the HUN. The project is a commercial. Might go on sale.
Both are stunning Vladimir.Are they future Chronos releases maybe?

No, Oda. This figure is not Chronos.
It is a very underrepresented subject and as always,Vladimir,your rendition is as close to perfection as humanly possible.The day that you will sculpt a 54-60mm samurai for commercial use will be one of the happiest of my life.

I have spent countless hours and a lot of money on the subject.Should you decide to go through with it,I will be happy to provide you not only with pictorial material but with details on a fairly high level on most of the samurai arms and armour.So maybe the very-very not soon can become just very not soon.:D

It is a very underrepresented subject and as always,Vladimir,your rendition is as close to perfection as humanly possible.The day that you will sculpt a 54-60mm samurai for commercial use will be one of the happiest of my life.

Hi Oda
I saw on Facebook,that there is soon a new 75mm.Samurai from Irbis-miniatures
Thanks mate,very kind of you,I'll check it out right away but if it's anything close to what Irbis is putting out lately,it's going to be a killer.

Thank You, Oda.
The Samurai... Sorry, I know this subject as well as a cat - arithmetic.:);) In order to do figure, you need to first study the subject. And the subject is huge! Maybe someday, but not soon. A very-very not soon.

-Volodya -Theme Samurai no more complicated than many others.;)
-Volodya -Theme Samurai no more complicated than many others.;)

Vitalya, so it is true, but not with my trembling hands. They're really shaking. I was talking about. :( But not so much. :) Heavy in execution, so small armor, brother. While not enough skills.
Виталя, так то оно так, но не с моими дрожащими руками. Они правда дрожат. Я говорил.:( Но уже не так сильно. :) Тяжёлый в исполнении, мелкий доспех, брат. Пока не хватит навыков.
Now you're pulling a leg.NOT ENOUGH SKILLS?????Sychev,not enough skills????If your skill is not enough then people like me should give up modelling alltogether.Listen to the wise advice of Vitalya,do a samurai(boy,do I try).

Well,a Sychev masterpiece is always worth waiting for.I'll paint something else from my vast GA and keep my eye out there for the day that there is going to be a posting by you going:"Hi friends,another one of my work,60mm Samurai Momoyama Period.......".Until then I suspect that you will amaze us with a bit more of your "not enough"o_O skill;).
