Hi Jason,
What exactly are you looking at it for? Uniformological or historical reference? I have a privately published copy of DeBrack's work that along with Emanuel von Warnery's "Remarks on Cavalry" are both fundamental in understanding 18th-19th century cavalry action. There is alot more to it than a modernist would think!
I have only previously seen the review that you have posted versus the actual new publishing. My guess is that is a much sexier version of what I own. I have met Keith Rocco and have his work on Napoleonic subjects. He is a very nice man with a good eye. As good as he is, no one comes close IMO to the likes of Meissonier, JOB, Belange, Rousselot/Leliepvre and most of all, the great DETAILLE. If you are looking for uniformological data, let me know and maybe I can be of some assistance. I have quite the collection in that regard.
All the best,