Celt finished


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erwin van de beek

Active Member
Jul 15, 2004
Soest, the Netherlands

Today, I finished this figure. The biggest problem for me are still the fleshtones, I am not good in painting flesh!
Hope to do it better next time.
Are there still more figures aviable from Fort Royal REview/ DreamCatcher ?

Bye, Erwin
Erwin, flesh tones are the hardest part of any figure, and I think all of us had to take time and patience to learn to paint them. Excellent painting, when I first glanced at the page I thought it was a photo of a re-enactor!
nice work. I agree the flesh tones could use a bit more depth, but over all this piece turned out very nicely. You might look at the sleeves, they look a bit "shiny" to me. The Photoshop work with the background is a nice touch as well. If you check out The Lost Batalion, (TLB) they have re-released several Ft. Royal and dream catcher pieces. If not there then eBay is your next best option. Good luck!

Jay H.
After 30 years of painting figures the flesh tone is still the biggest challenge. The more you do, the better they will get.
Overall your figure turned out nice. your base mix for flesh from what I can see from the photo is ok, but you need to be much bolder when shadowing and highlighting,

keep up the good work.

Roc. :)

Proficiat, het ziet er zeer goed uit. De vleeskleur is inderdaad niet eenvoudig. Ik denk dat je een beetje aan de te witte kant zit. je moet het zo zien, in die tijd waren de mensen meer buiten dan nu. Dus ze waren bruiner gettint dan wij in onze tijd.
Maar het is een goed geschilderd figuur.
