Hi everyone
Nice to be able to show you this release from DG Artwork , announced here on PF and in Social Media
The Celts often cut off the heads of killed enemies and collected them. It was considered a spiritual gesture, which often also appears in other cultures. The head was valued by the Celts as the seat of life, emotions and the soul. A warrior who had captured a head attained the strength of the fallen enemy. Such trophies were bound to their horse or fastened to their belts, a practice that also served to cause fear in their enemies.
As you might gather not a warrior race you would want to meet !! ..but they also produced some beautiful artifacts , these have been found as grave goods (see picture) , in particular we know of the torc worn round the neck , all stunning in design and skilled workmanship .
Shields were many types , often elongated , plain wood and painted , all adding to the feared look , weapons included the long sword often with decorated hilts , and long spears both which the Celts were skilled in using.

Books are of course available here are a few that I recommend

Continued in next post
Nice to be able to show you this release from DG Artwork , announced here on PF and in Social Media

So many legends and myths surround this period of history but one thing for sure they were true warriors.

Celtic warriors are said to have stood a head taller than their Mediterranean opponents and are described as having muscular physiques. The Celtic warriors, or Gauls as they were called in the French part of their range, spiked their hair up with lime and wore horned and winged helmets to emphasize their large stature.
Their attacks on the battlefield were fearless, wild and savage, but they were also skilled and deadly. As the Celts spread over their vast range, having conquered most of Europe at their height, their warriors developed different styles of warfare. In Spain, they became master swordsmen accustomed to up-close combat with their short swords. In southern Gaul they developed impressive armor and preferred long swords, while in Britain they continued to fight from chariots
The normal Celtic sword fighter was probably a heavy infantryman. They typically fought unarmored in a battle line formation. The center piece of Celtic tactics was the mass charge. The wild frontal attack, referred to by the Romans as “the Furor Celtica “, was devastating and could quickly overpower opponents with the sheer power of the impact of the rushing Celtic warriors and their vicious, frenzied attacks
The Celts were a warrior culture. Fighters were admired like heroes and courage in the battleground was an important virtue. The Celtic elite fighters functioned as models, which should inspire other warriors by their courage.The Celts often cut off the heads of killed enemies and collected them. It was considered a spiritual gesture, which often also appears in other cultures. The head was valued by the Celts as the seat of life, emotions and the soul. A warrior who had captured a head attained the strength of the fallen enemy. Such trophies were bound to their horse or fastened to their belts, a practice that also served to cause fear in their enemies.
As you might gather not a warrior race you would want to meet !! ..but they also produced some beautiful artifacts , these have been found as grave goods (see picture) , in particular we know of the torc worn round the neck , all stunning in design and skilled workmanship .

Shields were many types , often elongated , plain wood and painted , all adding to the feared look , weapons included the long sword often with decorated hilts , and long spears both which the Celts were skilled in using.

Books are of course available here are a few that I recommend

Continued in next post