Review Celt Warrior from DG Artwork


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi everyone

Nice to be able to show you this release from DG Artwork , announced here on PF and in Social Media

So many legends and myths surround this period of history but one thing for sure they were true warriors.
Celtic warriors are said to have stood a head taller than their Mediterranean opponents and are described as having muscular physiques. The Celtic warriors, or Gauls as they were called in the French part of their range, spiked their hair up with lime and wore horned and winged helmets to emphasize their large stature.
Their attacks on the battlefield were fearless, wild and savage, but they were also skilled and deadly. As the Celts spread over their vast range, having conquered most of Europe at their height, their warriors developed different styles of warfare. In Spain, they became master swordsmen accustomed to up-close combat with their short swords. In southern Gaul they developed impressive armor and preferred long swords, while in Britain they continued to fight from chariots
The normal Celtic sword fighter was probably a heavy infantryman. They typically fought unarmored in a battle line formation. The center piece of Celtic tactics was the mass charge. The wild frontal attack, referred to by the Romans as “the Furor Celtica “, was devastating and could quickly overpower opponents with the sheer power of the impact of the rushing Celtic warriors and their vicious, frenzied attacks
The Celts were a warrior culture. Fighters were admired like heroes and courage in the battleground was an important virtue. The Celtic elite fighters functioned as models, which should inspire other warriors by their courage.

The Celts often cut off the heads of killed enemies and collected them. It was considered a spiritual gesture, which often also appears in other cultures. The head was valued by the Celts as the seat of life, emotions and the soul. A warrior who had captured a head attained the strength of the fallen enemy. Such trophies were bound to their horse or fastened to their belts, a practice that also served to cause fear in their enemies.

As you might gather not a warrior race you would want to meet !! ..but they also produced some beautiful artifacts , these have been found as grave goods (see picture) , in particular we know of the torc worn round the neck , all stunning in design and skilled workmanship .


Shields were many types , often elongated , plain wood and painted , all adding to the feared look , weapons included the long sword often with decorated hilts , and long spears both which the Celts were skilled in using.

Books are of course available here are a few that I recommend

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Continued in next post

Lets move onto the Resin

Details of the release

Title: Celt Warrior , 1st Century AD

Reference: DG75F002

Scale: 75MM

Material: Gray Resin

No of parts: 8

Sculptor: Dae-Hyeong, Kim

Box Art: Alex Long (Underground Miniatures)

As you can see this is the 2nd in the 75mm from DG Artwork and a good companion piece or rather enemy to the figure which I reviewed here:

This is also the same collaboration between DG Artwork and Underground Miniatures which is nice to see.

As with the Roman the resin was in a nice strong box well packed in bags and bubble wrap and a foam layer with full colour views of the painted model by Alex on the top and back sides

DG Celt 001.jpgDG Celt 002.jpg

Parts consist of the main figure , 2 arms , shield , the spear head and shaft and a long sword in a scabbard as well as a base .



Main Torso ....casting post which links the cloak to the left foot and excess resin under both feet , very fine casting line on the right leg
Arms...Fit to torso
Shield ...Excess resin from edge
Weapons ...remove small casting plugs and fit to figure.
Base...excess resin from underneath.

All minimal and really simple to do ...some might want to replace the shaft of the spear with a suitable brass or wooden rod I would suggest you pin the actual spearhead as well

Main Figure

Sculpted by DH in an energetic forward running pose the figure is on one foot with the other raised , a look of determination in the face with the arms when in place ready to bring the spear into an attack mode with a lethal upward sweep.
DG Celt 003.jpg

Hair is braided at the sides with the rest being held in a rather nifty pony tail , texture of the hair is sharp and well cast , facial features are a liitle soft in my opinion , the upper lip has a great long moustache , the neck is straining up with the muscles being correct in relation to this.
DG Celt 014.jpg DG Celt 016.jpg DG Celt 015.jpg
Around the neck we have a torc , nice twist on this , a warrior that has distinguished himself on the battlefield , no doubt collecting a few heads along the way as well .
The upper torso is well muscled and all correct for the pose , on the open arm there is a arm torc , nicely done again .
DG Celt 008.jpg

Across his body we have a cloak/blanket tied together on the left hip , good folds and undercuts , above this there is the shield belt , the ends wrapped round , nice buckle on this .

Moving down to the waist he is trousered , held up by chained belt , good work on the links of this , on the left hip there is a cut out for the sword to easily fit to .

The sculpting of the trousers show a good understanding of clothing , lovely folds are evident , these are held close to the ankles , under them we have wrappings and the shoes ...again well done .
DG Celt 005.jpgDG Celt 006.jpgDG Celt 007.jpgDG Celt 012.jpgDG Celt 013.jpg
DG Celt 004.jpgDG Celt 008.jpgDG Celt 010.jpg

Posed ready to take the spear shaft with ease , fingers detailed well and gripping so that a simple operation , fit to the torso is good only a swipe of filler , the arms are muscled in keeping with the torso.

DG Celt 019.jpgDG Celt 020.jpg


A elongated version good details on the front being a central form and an axe shaped support across the centre , the front is covered with the edging holding this in place with good definition of the nails/rivets ,
moving around to the rear this displays the form of the shield make up ..planks held together with a central support matching the shape on the front , the wood texture is nicely done .
There is also a hole in the rear this matches well up with the small post on the end of the shield belt on the torso , when in place the shield looks really good

DG Celt 018.jpgDG Celt 017.jpg


Consisting of a well shaped spear and the shaft of the weapon the end of this is pointed ...either end will cause a lot of injury!!! the sword itself has been sculpted in the scabbard with very good top and bottom details on the scabbard , the hilt shape is as seen in references , fit to the main figure is easy by sitting nicely into the cutout .

DG Celt 021.jpg


A rocky outcrop with the surface with the texture being good , there is a cutout where the foot fits to ..I would still pin it as well as glueing . You could of course incorporate this as part of a bigger base.
DG Celt 022.jpg
Final thoughts
A nice addition to the range from DG Artwork , in a well thought out position and works either with another figure or as a standalone . Presentation is very good with matching artwork , lots of different surfaces to paint , flesh , cloth , metals ...the end result will be a really nice figure .

Thank you to DG Artwork for the review piece

And special thanks to you all for looking in

For more information why not visit the website at

email : [email protected]

or PM them via PF .

Finally some pictures of the superb box art by Mr Alex Long .....ENJOY


Gee Kevin that's some review Mate.
Amazing amount of work on your part.
I must add that the casting of the main body of the kit is incredibly complex and well detailed.
Thanks Kev.