Is the Tavern open yet???
OhMa'Gosh Carl:
Whew, mate you have a steady hand. And 120mm isn't really that big for
a design on a shield. Aw mate, it would take me three martinis to get up the
courage just to pick up the brush, with this design facing me.
But it's kewl.
But to answer your question: All we are seeing is the
shield without the painted figure. I always like to think of what colour choices
I make in relation to all the other colours I'm going to use. I talk a lot here
about color harmony. And to me it is a big deal; and I see it as so important
to the overall presentation. So for now, the yellow works fine with those two
shades of blue. But if there is reds, orange, greens in the rest of the
composition, it might be nice if one of those yellow pieces in the pattern was
a lavender a shade that would go well with the light yellow.
But I'm guessing you understand. It really isn't that I'm suggesting lavender
or violet. It is that I'm saying I decide what colours things will be by the
other colours that would be in harmony with the dominant colour of the
piece. Hope I'm making sense here.
Impressive start,