Hi all
I have just finished watching a BBC Documentary on guys soldiering as Romans on Hadrians Wall in reproduction costume with mail lorica etc! You could see the rust developing on the mail as the programme went on and the Scutums were becoming waterlogged every time they were rested on the ground! Brilliant stuff but it got me wondering!
I have over the years tried different finishes on chain mail from really dark to really bright to washed out with rust and other stains! Which I might add I was criticised for as being too rusty!
I have looked at the amount of chain mail suits of armour and edged weapons that have survived the centuries and they are many! Some with barely any rust at all but more modern reproductions seem to suffer from rusting once they are exposed to the air at all never mind water!
Now here is the question did pre atomic iron have different rust resistant properties to current steel or iron products!
Any help or info out there??
I look forward to the replies
I have just finished watching a BBC Documentary on guys soldiering as Romans on Hadrians Wall in reproduction costume with mail lorica etc! You could see the rust developing on the mail as the programme went on and the Scutums were becoming waterlogged every time they were rested on the ground! Brilliant stuff but it got me wondering!
I have over the years tried different finishes on chain mail from really dark to really bright to washed out with rust and other stains! Which I might add I was criticised for as being too rusty!
I have looked at the amount of chain mail suits of armour and edged weapons that have survived the centuries and they are many! Some with barely any rust at all but more modern reproductions seem to suffer from rusting once they are exposed to the air at all never mind water!
Now here is the question did pre atomic iron have different rust resistant properties to current steel or iron products!
Any help or info out there??
I look forward to the replies