Cheap Daylight Lamps


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Just bought 2 pieces ... 2 days for delivery ... very good packing ... 4,95 transport cost ( in Belgium )
Hi All,

There is another very suitable and affordable light source "Tertial" from Ikea. lamp ikea&rlz=1C1GCEU_enSG821SG821&oq=tertial&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0i512l6j0i10i512j0i512l2.6435j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

It is about 90% to natural daylight etc and this was discussed in another subsection? raised by a very knowedgable planeteer involved in the professional lighting industry. FYI.

Rgds Victor

I had been looking for one like this for a while, so I ordered one last week, arrived a few days later, and it's just what I've been looking for. The clamp is big enough to fit over almost any table/bench edge, and it is high enough, with enough reach, to fit over a work bench, without either being in your way, or blocking the paint storage. I dont have a bulb yet, because my daylight bulbs are all bayonets, rather than the srew as this lamp needs.
The other pictures show the light from the Lidl lamps. It's great, and they are a perfect size to put on either side of your work space, but the cramp the space a bit, which I dont like. Perfect for Miniatures and busts though.
