Wow! There’s a lot to like with this figure (it’s WW2 British for a start!) and I love the whole composition. That no 4 rifle looks great.
There are a few niggles with the equipment though:
I love that the modeller has the choice of adding the valise (large pack) but if one does there are, of course no supporting L straps.
The straps on the cotton bandolier are too wide and they didn’t hasten with a buckle. If the wearer found then too long they simply tied a knot to shorten them.
The water bottle and haversack (small pack) just seem to float there with no visible supporting straps and buckles and the water bottle is much too high. The haversack is missing buckles on the bottom which would be used in conjunction with the L straps should it be worn on the back.
Sorry to be so picky Chris, but as I said in another post earlier this week simple errors in 1937 personal equipment are a particular bugbear of mine. And of course any errors would be far more noticeable in the larger, say, 200mm, scales.
I’ve attached some pictures and also some good reference books.
I look forward to seeing this painted up!