Chromacolour are made in Australia and US, they are the also manufacture Jo Sonja Artists Acrylics, they are the cheaper end of the scale and intended for illustrators and students, I had some a while ago and donated them to a friends granddaughter to paint with. Sorry to hear you have made a possibly expensive mistake with these paints. Vallejo, Andrea etc. are much of a muchness, Jo Sonja force you to use a limited palette which artistically is a good thing as we are spoilt for choice with myriad colours and subtle shades and tones from the usual manufacturers although I love Jo Sonja, I still find myself reaching for that particular shade of field grey or Ivory white, I have too many, but I've already committed to buying them. A tip for Jo Sonja should you choose to use them, get some Vallejo style bottles to decant from the tubes and use ball bearings to agitate the paint, Jo Sonja if diluted well with distilled water drys very matt and airbrushes brilliantly.