Review Coldstream Guard from DG Artwork


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon

DG Artwork one of several companies from Korea which are giving us some really nice products to open our wallets for .

The latest from​

and detailed here on PF::​ (and on Social media of course)


Depicting a Coldstream Guards officer in the Egyptian campaign in 1882 where troops fought in the heat still in red serge although the changes to better and less colourful uniforms was happening by the introduction of karki as in the right hand uniform below with a similar one for other ranks and a bluey gray serge for other troops eg the Camel troops


Although this shows shows Dragoons here are the development of tunics and also officers equipment with the Infantry wearing very similar items

Officers uniforms were by virtue of their position better and privately purchased especially in the elite brigade of Guards.

The initial idea from the sculpt came from this illustration from the Osprey book

and these illustrations


a000.JPG Rank Star ( sometimes just all brass or embroidered )​
a00000.jpg Collar badge​
a0000.jpg Button Detail​
Medals like these were awarded these were to:​
Private Thomas Taylor, Royal Marines (H.M.S. Royal Adelaide), comprising Egypt Medal 1882-1889 with ‘Tel-el-Kebir’ clasp and Khedive’s Star 1882
Books are available here are a couple from me :​
a0.jpg a00.jpga0000000.jpg pp.jpg
Continued in next post​
Onwards to the main event

Details of the release

Title: Coldstream Guards Egypt, 1882

Reference: DG09B003

Scale: 1/9th

Material: Lt Gray Resin

No of parts: 7

Sculptor: Dae-Hyeong, Kim

Box Art: Dae-Hyeong, Kim

The resin was held nice and secure sandwiched between 2 thick foam layers the with 2 pieces being in a plastic bag.

As usual we have a good selection of colour pictures both on the top and sides
DG Coldstream 001.jpgDG Coldstream 014.jpgDG Coldstream 002.jpg

Parts consist of main torso , the head , helmet , gauntlet , lanyard cord , basing post , roll of wire

DG Coldstream 003.jpg


Main Torso ..remove casting remnant from underside
Head....remove casting resin from underneath and fit to neck area
Gauntlet..Remove small excess resin from edge and fit
Headwear..Remove casting piece from rear and fit to head
Others...Dry fit parts , fit lanyard use either resin or use the wire , fit base if using

So again we have minimal prep and you can get on with the painting .

I will look at the Main Torso in this part with the remainder in the next

Main Torso

The resin is showing no blemishes , air bubbles or any defects whatsoever and is the top half of the upper body angled in a very pleasing way at the lower edge, after the minimal prep ..where to start looking .....well the overall impression is of a QUALITY sculpt and casting .
DG Coldstream 004.jpg

Undercuts are excellent particularly the pockets and the epaulettes with the leather webbing also showing excellent definition at the edges , across the body we have a haversack strap very nicely in scale , not too thick and sitting well onto the body form .
DG Coldstream 005.jpgDG Coldstream 006.jpgDG Coldstream 007.jpgDG Coldstream 008.jpgDG Coldstream 009.jpgDG Coldstream 010.jpg
The tunic is being worn accurately with good natural folds and this has been nicely shown by the careful work where the buttons meet at the middle , very nice work , talking of the buttons ...YES they have the Coldstream badge on them ..nicely defined and making painting easier .

Around the neck we have the lanyard , well formed , scaled well the end olive knot has good surface detail the inner part is ready to take the rest of the cord with ease

Pocket work is good the flaps are well shaped with the edging being lined as well

The webbing is correctly done with buckle details sharply done

The rank badges of rank on the epaulettes and the collar badges are nothing sort of exquisite to look at and enjoy even in their unpainted form.
DG Coldstream 011.jpg DG Coldstream 013.jpgDG Coldstream 012.jpg
The collar is another very good area , spot on in shape with the badge on each side , an excellent thickness as well and the edg was not damaged , the actual neck area is all ready to take the head.

I have reviewed a lot of DH@s work and this is another example of a highly skilled sculptor ...WELL DONE

Continued in next post

Onto the remaining pieces


With busts especially the thing that is so important to get right is the face and boy has the sculptor done this , packed full of character , I think the pictures show just how good this is , if not look at the box art as well !!!

The facial feature are well sculpted with the eyes well worked , ears are good , so good you can see inside !!!

Teeth are showing with the mouth being open , sculpting again is good , a side profile shows even more with a good nose shape, the is a strong chin shape , the hair texture is again very nicely worked , slightly longer with sideboards .

Around the lower neck we have the corners of his shirt ..well standards must be maintained in the guards!!

DG Coldstream 020.jpgDG Coldstream 015.jpgDG Coldstream 016.jpg

DG Coldstream 019.jpgDG Coldstream 018.jpgDG Coldstream 017.jpg


The first thing I ask myself the shape right ? ...oh YES indeed this is the 6 sectioned helmet the edges of which display the stitching all leading up to the top roundel which provided a small amount of ventilation when in wear ..vital to get at least some in the heat of Egypt.

The chin chain is held up at the back sweeping across the right side , the links are well sculpted and no flaws in the casting .

Around the helmet there is a scarf with nice folds , this sits over the actual helmet version , so out officer has added this , more importantly for the campaign is the use of goggles for the protection not only against the glaring sun but also the sand itself , these are the correct shape as per references , the strap pulls into the helmet material well and agAin looks like it is being worn.

DG Coldstream 025.jpgDG Coldstream 024.jpgDG Coldstream 023.jpgDG Coldstream 022.jpgDG Coldstream 021.jpg


This is a bust without the full arm , sometimes just having the hand doesn't work well it does in this case IMO as the hand is resting nicely and very naturally onto the holster itself .

If you are not keen on the hand like this the its a simple matter of filling the cutout , extending the strapping ( use the other side as a guide ) and add the lanyard ...certainly not beyond anyone

The gauntlet itself is a great shape cut off straight at the edge of the gauntlet itself with the fingers being some of the best I have seen done , the positioning of the fingers is excellent .

The pistol holster is the correct shape and has a well shaped flap , nicely defined at the edges , across the holster there is the lanyard , again very good details on the end olive toggle , whats nice to se is the retaining strap being slightly lifted due to the hand position.

DG Coldstream 026.jpgDG Coldstream 027.jpgDG Coldstream 028.jpg
DG Coldstream 029.jpg

Remaining pieces ..Base , Lanyard cord

The base or rather post is a simple one but it does the job okay and fits nicely into the well formed cutout on the underside .
DG Coldstream 031.jpg
Lanyard cord is shaped to fit and sits nicely in place , there is a wire to use if you wish

DG Coldstream 030.jpg


Final thoughts

All I am going to say is that this is going to be around my work bench very soon , the bust is a real nice bit of work , sculpting of the details are excellent , minimal prep again from a DG Artwork release , well presented.

Of course there is the potential for conversion to other units as well by replacing badges etc

Get yourself one of these

Lets enjoy some box art pictures


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[email protected]

Thanks to DG Artwork for the review piece and to you all for looking in

Happy modelling

Another great review Nap, I am in two minds as to get this one, my only problem is the hand on the holster. I don't know if I like it but it has got a red uniform.

Hi Bob

You know you want to ..its got a red coat!!

Certainly not to everyone's taste but easy to deal with .....

"If you are not keen on the hand like this the its a simple matter of filling the cutout , extending the strapping ( use the other side as a guide ) and add the lanyard ...certainly not beyond anyone "

Hi Nap - nice review, as ever! Regarding the shape of the helmet, this is not the usual standard issue infantry pattern and looks like it is based on the pics you've posted. It would have been a privately acquired item, as was common with officers, especially the Guards.

Certainly not a criticism of the kit, just an explanation as to why it might not look exactly as per references!(y)
Hi Nap - nice review, as ever! Regarding the shape of the helmet, this is not the usual standard issue infantry pattern and looks like it is based on the pics you've posted. It would have been a privately acquired item, as was common with officers, especially the Guards.

Certainly not a criticism of the kit, just an explanation as to why it might not look exactly as per references!(y)

Hi Steve

Thanks for comment as you say not the standard helmet , I sent pictures of originals from NAM and a private collection , again as you say many were private purchase and differed in style .

Appreciate your input

Great review and references as always. I agree with Bob about the hand, but I think that is because the holster is sitting too high on the bust. I appears that the holster is well above the lower edge of the pocket whereas the references show it below the lower edge of the pocket. Of course, I may be completely wrong in my evaluation. Still, it is a very nice bust and "it has a red coat".
Nap another very professional review, I liked this one as soon as I seen it, I think it was the attitude in his facial expression that drew me to it, the more I look at it he reminds me of Jack Nicholson in the Shining but that's not a bad thing and it wont be long until this bust starts to appear on the forums as its bound to be popular.
Hi Guys

Thanks for all the comments appreciate your time and input


Now that a idea ....this was mentioned on FB by another member ..Mark S !! .........

........another conversion possibility there!

Nap another very professional review, I liked this one as soon as I seen it, I think it was the attitude in his facial expression that drew me to it, the more I look at it he reminds me of Jack Nicholson in the Shining but that's not a bad thing and it wont be long until this bust starts to appear on the forums as its bound to be popular.

I think his look say's it all, "bloody camels"
Another great review Nap, I am in two minds as to get this one, my only problem is the hand on the holster. I don't know if I like it but it has got a red uniform.

Me and you both mate. I have been meaning to pop into Historex to have a closer look. I am wondering how it would look without the hand being added.

What do you think??
