taff edwards
A Fixture
Just finished preping this monster bust lol , think I might need to re-phrase that the jacket appears to be a very distinctive green , does anyone have an idea of what any of the well known paint company's acrylic might do as a comparable .
However I wanted to depicte the Ranger having been in the fold for a while on one of the epic expeditions that they did during there battles for the sake of historical accuracy would I be able to change the colour green to create something different in that it would have faded having been used in such harsh conditions when in the field I understand the the green is so very linked to this perticular group of fighting men is there you feel room for a little artistic licence
Cheer Chris
However I wanted to depicte the Ranger having been in the fold for a while on one of the epic expeditions that they did during there battles for the sake of historical accuracy would I be able to change the colour green to create something different in that it would have faded having been used in such harsh conditions when in the field I understand the the green is so very linked to this perticular group of fighting men is there you feel room for a little artistic licence
Cheer Chris