Coming soon from Alexandros Miniatures ....Vive l'Empereur!


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi everyone

Anastasiya has kindly given permission to share these pictures

Due official release end of November this from her talented sculpting hands

Demi flat

Some castings will be available at Sevres so contact Alexandros to collect there or wait till release

Look forward to the box art



IMG_3963.JPG - The very talented sculptor and artist
This will be popular, nice thing about a demi ronde is that you have a fixed line of view, so lighting effects and intense shading become viable options.
Displayed like a flat against a well painted trompe l'oeil background this could be stunning.
it's very beautiful and what a lot of Napoleon figures (busts) you see,this is so populair there
have no idea about that (y)
Great likeness and a lovely thing to paint.
But I have a question about the the epaulettes…….I may be wrong but shouldn’t they be visible? It was my understanding that his epaulettes were swung forward as they didn’t fit under the great coat/riding cloak (as depicted in this bronze bust from about 1860 and a similar figure).

Great likeness and a lovely thing to paint.
But I have a question about the the epaulettes…….I may be wrong but shouldn’t they be visible? It was my understanding that his epaulettes were swung forward as they didn’t fit under the great coat/riding cloak (as depicted in this bronze bust from about 1860 and a similar figure).

You may be right but either way that does look very strange (borderline comical even), so I'm calling "artistic license" if that is the case.

- Steve
I can see where Nigel is coming from and agree, but I still think it works, as the way the coat is sitting, it would still cover the epaulettes.
Should paint up nicely.

Hello friends,
First of all thank you for kind comments about our work.This demi round figure is already available from our website

Concerning epaulettes....there are numerous canvases showing Napoleon in the coat WITHOUT epaulettes or NOT visible epaulettes. I will make a separate post with the images if it's necessary.

Wishing everybody a great day!
So here I dedicated some of my time to finding and downloading all these images in order it's clear that Napoleon wasn't wearing epaulettes all the time, or simply he had them under the coat. And, that my version of Napoleon is not just an "artistic vision" but accurate representation of Napoleon with an important historical research. I hope you will find those images useful and inspiring Looking forward to seeing your painted versions of this demi round figure ❤️

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