It is a pleasure to announce this year's commemorative figure of Alabarda Association which corresponds to last year inaugurated Series on the "African War of 1859-1860".
This year we are celebrating our 20th anniversary and we wanted to do something special with our annual figure: a vignette.
As you can see, we present a scene composed of a Coronel and a Rif Sharpshooter in the African War.
We present them individually so that you can get just one or both; in addition, the Rif Sharpshooter comes with two shotguns, the Spanish army's regulation one and a "Spingarda "to increase the possibilities when it comes to painting him.
The figures have been modelled by Antonio Zapatero in 54 mm. and the production is in resin.
Painting by Juan Francisco Estévez Piriz
We hope you like the figures and especially the idea of the vignette.
To order, please visit
or directly send an email to [email protected]
This year we are celebrating our 20th anniversary and we wanted to do something special with our annual figure: a vignette.
As you can see, we present a scene composed of a Coronel and a Rif Sharpshooter in the African War.
We present them individually so that you can get just one or both; in addition, the Rif Sharpshooter comes with two shotguns, the Spanish army's regulation one and a "Spingarda "to increase the possibilities when it comes to painting him.
The figures have been modelled by Antonio Zapatero in 54 mm. and the production is in resin.
Painting by Juan Francisco Estévez Piriz
We hope you like the figures and especially the idea of the vignette.
To order, please visit
or directly send an email to [email protected]