Concepts in Painting Miniatures, by Alex Castro


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Actually Quang, there has been a book written called " Colour theory and application" by Bob Knee. The colour theory aspect of the book covers some of the why's .

As Lou said " Statements like "Groundbreaking" and "changing the way we paint figures" are pretty far out"

It's not being rude or impolite to ask who a person is it ?

I have meditated on it, and find that I am enjoying the reaction that Alex's enigmatic phrasing and "Confusius he says" snippets are getting , they don't actually say too much that we haven't seen before (so far) but have people asking for more .......... Thats the sign of a good salesman Well done Alex

Maybe I am wrong, but didn't you (Alex) have a figure in the Atlanta show last Year (Gallows-Red Sky Diary) ?
Hi Guys

I tell ya what I think, Yup Alex might be a little over confident, I accept that takes allsorts as the saying goes, me a take that with a pinch of salt, does no damage except to my water retention. I make up my own mind I personally since visiting Euro militaire a few times don't really judge a figure till hes seen there in front of you, though I love to see the work here.

example: Mike Blanks 90mm(I think) offering at Euro The lifeguard general, what an absolute gem, me I had it pegged for Best in show, the photos of that don't do it justice.

There are others, good painters most of em, that all they do is post there work here so people can shower them adulation, again allsorts to make the world, nobody says anything about them. Some even come and tell us when they got articles coming out in various modelling publications, again I got no problems with that if they need that good for them for getting it.

What really does make me bothered is the number of times these people actually return the compliment and go into the Workbench Forum and see the work other people are doing and comment on them, I for one would love to hear what these poeple have to say about my work, as I am sure others who have workbenches would.

Best Regards


Rather than
It certainly is hard to judge a figure from a Photograph with any confidence .......especially the painting as the lighting and background ( colour, tone etc can effect the way the figure comes over ).the sculpting is easier , but still has pitfalls as you have to be aware of the angle and aspect that the Picture was taken from....false perspectives and all that ;) .
Some really good pieces don't fully show their worth on a Photo, and have to be seen "in the round ", just as some pretty ordinary pieces can lookabsoluely fantastic on a Photo.

Thats why I aslked Alex if that was his figure at Atlanta last Year ....I had a good chance to look at that one in the round. If it was , then I could base my thoughts on the way Alex writes having seen his work in person and not from postings ( not specifically his as such ) telling me what or how to think (which dosen't do much for me to be honest ).

As to commenting on figures on the workbench, I always try to if I'm asked . If specifically asked I will try and find something to say about the piece that could be useful . Of course, I could never say "You must do this " or this is the "right" way to do something , as that would intimate that I knew every thing .which is far from the case , it's up to the person to either take something from what I say or completely ignore anything I say if they disagree .......I only offer my personal thoughts , which are no better or worse than anyone elses.

As a one off example using Alex's Daimyo ( as it's posted on this thread ), it's hard to tell from the photo if there is any differentiation between the Gold used on the Helmet ( as a metal ) and the gold on the Tunic ( as a cloth ), there should be some textural and "Sheen"differences ........but you can't tell. The right sleeve that colour too bright ? is the highlighting as overdone as it looks on the photo? is the obvious drybrushing used on the sleeves actually dry brushing at all or is the photo giving a totally false picture ???? All real problem unless you see the piece in person .

This is a hobby, and everyone is in it only as much as they want to be , so, you can't tell them how to enjoy THEIR hobby , just try and help a bit using whatever experience you have ( you don't even have to habve the skill to do something wonderfully to say that this or that looks a little off or odd, the person you are talking to may have the skill to do something about it but just have missed it ).......I personally don't normally do just the "well done "thing as i feel uncomfortable doing that if I can see problems with the piece .
I figure that there enough people already doing that .
PS Robin,

Do you have Gary's address.
I want to send him the Figure before we leave for Atlanta next friday.
Hi Alan

My comments weren't aimed at you specifically, my comments were just that comments on a thread, they just happen to be after yours.

I agree we all enjoy our hobby in our own way, me personally if there is a figure there and you can see things wrong with it, tell me, I would love to know, don't feel like posting mail me pesonally, thoughts coming from you or your good wife, constructive as they would be, are always helpful to me at least.

I personally thought that what the workbench was all anbout maybe Gordy can qualify things

Hi Roc,

Thank you for your kind words. Certainly, I will continue to provide tips, be of help whenever I can and share my work.

In terms of negativity, well everyone has their own opinion!

Concerning the book, I am working on the final draft and hope it will be out by the beginning of the 2nd quarter of 2004.

Thanks again,

I agree with Alan and Robin in many ways. It is so hard to go by a Photograph and critique someones work but I put myself in their shoes and try to see anything that could be done better. For most of the 30 years of painting figures, there has been no one else, except at a yearly show, that could tell me what I need to do to improve. I try to comment on most of the painting articles here at the planet for several reasons.
To encourage the artist and his work so that he will want to do more and better figures. Sometimes we all need to hear that we are on the "right track" so to speak.

I also like to see some of the well known and talented artist that visit here comment on others work in the workbench. Hopefully they must still remember when they were new to the hobby and wanted the opinion of what they have just done from their peers.

For most of the years I have paintd, there has not been anything like planetfigure as a resource to tap on for encouragement and support for this hobby. I have learned more here on the pf site than all the shows I have attended combined.

Many of you may notice I do not comment much on the sculpting side as I am strictly a painter and feel my comments or critique would not have the validation needed to say what is right or wrong about a particular figure or sculpting.

I would like to take my hat off to Alex for the way he has handled the negativity thrown his way. His work speaks for itself and he was not drawn into the negativity like so many would be. Thanks Alex.

Dear Alan,
For the record, my figures are painted exactly the way they appear on the posting.
If you have any concerns otherwise, I have no problem in arranging a private viewing. It so happens that Gallows is still in my possession since it's one of my wife's favorite pieces!


The King's Musketeer France (1650)
1/9 Scale from Pilipili/Le-van Quang, work-in-progress by Alex Castro

In terms of shows, I don't practice going to shows, therefore, the figure you saw was not mine! My plate has been full between my art career, teaching, painting for private collectors and of course writing, which leaves very little time to travel to shows.

In terms of my figures, YES, I view them as an art form and so do my collectors.

Who I am doesn't really matter, what matters is the work!

I only asked the question because I have never heard of Alex, seen his work, or seen or heard of him mentioned anywhere. Statements like "Groundbreaking" and "changing the way we paint figures" are pretty far out, and while I truly can't wait to see this book, I'm usually accustomed to books claiming to offer the best instruction coming from well-known, well established people - ala Bill Horan, Shep Paine, Bill Ottinger, Bob Knee, etc. While I commend anyone who is willing to do it, I like to know who they are first.

Let me say this first: the following is by no means an attempt to "pervert" Lou's posting, or a "reply" to it. By NO MEANS !!! :angry: I just quote his words here to be able to elaborate further on.

I just want to elaborate a little bit on the subject of the "well-known, well established people" that are mentioned - with all due respect , .... but where are they on PlanetFigure? ... Never saw a posting here by Bill Horan, Mike Blank, David Lane, Adrian Bay, the Cannone brothers, Raul Latorre, Diego Ruina, or many, many others... (note: I give these names just as examples of people who are currently considered to be the "nec plus ultra" of the hobby, these are people whose work I respect, no offense meant)

Now, I'd say, let's give Alex a fair chance then ... at least he's got the courage to post pictures here and to make statements. At least he "interacts" with us mere mortals, and "acknowledges our existence"; so far I haven't seen any of the "Gods" in this hobby doing that here on planetfigure.

Last, I wish to add that some of you fellow members ARE "Gods", judging by the quality of what you post here. I therefore now have an excuse to use this smilie:

-----------> <------------------

... how shall we call that smilie , the "slimer" smilie? :lol:
Gordy- I really hadn't thought him being from another genre as I took the book as being for 54-120mm. You and Quang raised some very good points and I as I have said, when it comes out I will buy it.

I guess being in the marketing world and dealing with lawyers all day using superlatives is a big no no for me.

Alan also raises very good points as well-it is extremely difficult, if not iompossible to critique a figure from an electronic image posted on the web. Light, shadows, flash-no flash, apperture, exposure, there are som many factors that will affect the image that it is truly impossible to tell. Even photgraphs make it difficult - Mike Blank's work and many of the Spanish painter's works look totally different in magazines than they do in person.

Robin- I can't speak for others but I do know that I will never (if asked) publically do a critique on a figure posted on a website. Not only for the reasons posted above, but for two other major reasons - 1) comments can be misconstrued as we all know. 2.) A critique to me is a personal (in terms of a specific piece) and although everyone can benefit from a good critique (I'm not being an egomaniac, I mean a critique done by anyone), I personally would not feel comfortable posting a comment that could be construed as negative for the world to see. To me that is something you do at a show or in person, so facial expressions are visible.

Gee was that long enough? In closing (finally), I look forward to seeing the book and reserve judgement until then.
Hi Alex,

I finally made it in here. To all the other figure painters in the forum. I have been very proud and humbled to have been tutored by Alex on figure painting. His work will be around for years to come. I can't wait for the book to come out also!
As a new member here I like this site.

Be back soon


I think the "Gallows" you saw was Bill Chilstrom's. A fine job it was too.
Hi Everybody
I view Alex's book in the same manner as every other exponnent of this
great passion of ours.

In my book collection, I like many others have books by the following
authors Bill Horan, Bill Ottinger, Shep Paine, Mike Blank, Bob Knee and
for Flat figures Mike Taylor. From the pages of these publications I have
evolved a style/ technique which gets better with every figure I do.

My point is, books will not make you a great painter they will simply
act as signposts on a long hard (but enjoyable only when it goes OK)
road. Alex's book, which I await in great anticipation, will be something
else to take onboard.As for his credentials a man stands or falls on what he
does. Photography or not, I like his work and if he is keen to share his expertise
with this forum then it is to the benefit of us all.

Frank (y)
Good to see you on the forum, a lot of great folks here, I am sure your talent will speak for itself !!
So lets move on , Thank Manny.

Hi every one, meet Manny a wonderful painter /modeler!!

All I have to say is that there is a big wide world out there besides the MFCA and Euro.There are many great artists out there who do not feel like they have to display ,compete against other modelers and get the customary pat on the back from his buddies for self assurance.I don't believe that you have to go to the MFCA to win an insignificant medal to prove your an artist.Art is not competition its inspiration and imagination.
Personally I have no reason to doubt Mr. Castro's photos,I will simply continue to enjoy them and hope that he keeps on posting.
Dear Alex.

You certainly have every right to view your work as Art (as does anyone ). I certainly don't blame you for keeping Gallows, it's quite a piece of work

As to who you are not mattering , to a certain extent that is true your work can be the end of it all and "Alex" just a title to hang that work on.....but those of us who haven't had the pleasure of meeting someone in person sometimes like to be let into just a little bit of background to feel comfortable with any interaction.

With respect to JOHAN , non of us are "Gods" we are all Mortal . No one sits aloof and hands down "Crumbs from the Gods"....I am lucky to have met most of the people he mentioned ( because they do some amazing work ) and all of them will help as much as possible, however , they all have jobs and spend most of their spare time trying to improve their Technques .....a lot of them aren't even aware of some these forum ..try e-mailing any of them , and you will soon find out how helpful they can be personally.

Just to shot the breeze a bit more ..

The way I see it is that most people come to this ( or almost any forum ) to discuss their work, learn from and of each other , generally more fully participate in the Hobby (or Art form if you will ).

For many , going to Shows is also part of that participation , and allows work to be appreciated and others who would like to improve to measure their work against whatever they consider to be "better" within the same environment , the same Lighting conditions etc. It allows people to interact and discuss techniques , get help with problems , help others with problems pass on and recieve tips and generally socialise.
It's not about "Pot Hunting " or getting Pats on ther back's about self evaluation more than anything else .........people who go "Pot Hunting " are generally disappointed . There surely is a vast world out there and MFCA , Atlanta , SCAHMs Euro etc are not the be all and end all...but surely there must be some show of some genre of this "Art form" that would be worth visiting , even if just to see what is on the tables ?

Surely the best way to Inspire imagination and enthuse is to actually show .....or view something ...

For many , shows are not important or don't go for a multitude of valid and understandable reasons, but personally ,I think that the people who don't go to shows are missing seeing some wonderful work "in the round ", and evaluating the quality of it ( Because a lot of the subtleties don't come across properly on a Photograph), however once again that is just a personal view and is no more valid than any other .

If you want to teach, I would submit that doing a seminar at a show may also be a good way of doing it ( though obviously not the only way), it allows feedback and questions ( which actaually could be of help to you in framing the thoughts in your book as it can point out what concepts and ideas the people watching you are having problems grasping ).

To be honest , the only concern that I have that your figures are painted "exactly the way they appear on the posting" is that they may not be doing them Justice , but if you are happy they are , who am I to disagree.

If it is unquestionably true that they always, in every way , look exactly like the Photographs ( which I take from your comments .please correct me if I'm in error ), then there is no need for a private viewing as far as I can see............which I find a little disappointing ( for me that is I always love to look at good work ).

Anyway, whatever,

I wish you all the best with your book ,

Kind regards,

With respect to JOHAN , non of us are "Gods" we are all Mortal . No one sits aloof and hands down "Crumbs from the Gods"....I am lucky to have met most of the people he mentioned ( because they do some amazing work ) and all of them will help as much as possible, however , they all have jobs and spend most of their spare time trying to improve their Technques .....a lot of them aren't even aware of some these forum ..try e-mailing any of them , and you will soon find out how helpful they can be personally.

:) Excellent! I will e-mail them and ask them for some of their secrets! I will also point out to them that this forum exists, so that they might come here and participate!

Thanks! (y)
Why Not it

You will find that there are no "Secrets" , just a lot of time practicing and working hard to get the finish they want ... hence their sometimes lack of knowledge or participation on these forum.
I haven't met anyone yet (on your list , or not )who isn't very open and friendly .......... they don't feel that they have to look for adulation , approval or to keep anything secret ... Mind you Diego Ruina is a little shy and I'm not sure if Bob Knee actually has a computer
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