Confederate soldier


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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2012
My first Civil war figure, hope i made all right.
Dear Chailey, I need to make another 2 soldiers for squad and after that i'll add some ''weathering'' for those guys.
Hi Max, i like so much this figure....have you news about the other two figures that will run with him???? They will be commercial? If they will be in 54mm i will be interest to buy same copy ...if possible.


Mario from Italy.
Dear Marios1! Yes it will be commercial? i need to finish 2 figures for this group. I'll update or make new post for this figures.
The face is a real highlight on a superb figure. The only thing I can see is that the rifle looks a little bit too short. I am being harsh though - it is excellent. (y)
Hi there

That's real nice work ...the face certainly is very well done

I also like the way you have done the equipment , agree with BP ref weapon ...but it's not much

Look forward to seeing more of the others ....perhaps a colour bearer as well or a drummer maybe ?

Thanks for sharing
