Congrats for Dave & Ed


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Blind Pew

PlanetFigure Supporter
Mar 5, 2005
Carlisle, England
Fellas, I wanted to be the first to offer my congratulations on here for the awards won over the weekend. A good old-fashioned pat on the back to both of you. All of them very well deserved and do you both proud.*

*especially Dave 'I don't do fantasy figures' Maddox!
Hi Anthony and Marc

Thanks a lot guys, I was damn lucky, I came away with a full rack of awards, Commended, Highly commended, 2 Bronze, a silver and my first Gold, well chuffed.

I think Edward got himself a Highly Commended and a Silver for his hard work.

It was a damn good show, and well worth the effort of painting my nuts off...

thanks again

Thanks a lot guys!

I got a silver for my pilot and 2 commendeds for my hussar and James Bond figure which I'm absolutely thrilled about.

Now what do you make of this? - I had my Latorre Punjab cavalry figure in class 2 which had highly commended on the slip underneath. When I went to collect it I gave the steward my half of the slip in order to collect the slip underneath the model. When I got this back I was shocked to see it wasn't mine - it belonged to another Punjab cavalry figure by someone else. I told the steward who was also shocked and blamed it on photographers. First I was told I couldn't collect my figure as my name wasn't on the slip underneath - this was sorted out quickly. Then they checked the official prize list for class 2 and it turns out that my name had a silver beside it???

Congratulation Dave and Ed !!!
I have a dream ..... maybe some year I will meet with you at Euro :(


Wociech Lubicz-Lapinski
Hi Ed

Very well done on the Silver in class 2 mate, that was a very hard class, (are you sure tnhat wasnt my silver for the Punjab.... :lol: ), I congratulate you my friend it was a Lovely piece of painting.

Congratulations to dave and ed. I think we sould also mention marjin's "Five gold medals"
Had a good time meeting other pf members, just wish i could paint as well as them!

Hi Kevin

Good to see you mate, I have to agree, Marijn put in 5 pieces and came away with 5 Golds, his stuff is just brillint

Well Done Dave and Edward

It was a great weekend and very tough competition
as always

Marjins pieces were terrific and well deserved of the golds he got

I did not enter this year but came away inspired

Thanks everyone.

Dave, although my name's on the list I'm still not sure it was my Punjab fella that was actually awarded silver! It's a mystery! Congratulations on your awards though, you really deserved them. Hope to see you soon.

There were so many amazing pieces there. Marijn's new Beligan hunter figure was spectacular - one of the most inspiring figures I've seen. I thought Gianfranco Speranza's civil war figure on the rearing horse was awesome too. The large scale German paratrooper (by Calvin Tan?) and an Irish Brigade standard bearer in class 1 really stood out for me too. And the best of show was superb - tanks aren't my cup of tea but I loved this piece of work.
Thanks guys!

I finally got some pics of that one now, so I'll post it soon.

The paratrooper was by Jaume Ortiz and truly fantastic. One of the best paintjobs in show, and a great setting also!

Congrats to everyone who entered!

Well it was great to be there. Unfortunately I haven't won anything but I'm not that good (yet). congrats to all the winners but net year I'll be better !!
Haha !!