Correct way to say Vallejo


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The Heartland Hedge from Hell. . . Arrrrrrrrgh

Aw Steve ver rino:

Arrrrrrrrrrgh. . . To quote Charlie Brown in the old newspaper cominc strip

That dirty bricka brack blasted Ratchfratchin' front yard
Hedge. . . I'm still at it, mate. And now it is dealing with all the limbs that
were cut off. . . How much time have you got? . . . No, I won't bore you and
the Planeteers with that. But some of the limbs are over an inch and a 'haff
in diameter. Uh huh. That durn burned hedge is making me really feel old.

I won't go into how some pronounce the airbrush that is made in France! But
it is rather Heartland . . . ah . . . "quaint"?

So Reed dee is the way to say it. But of course, I already knew that. Iffin'
you were Smith you could get all your horse shoes for nuttin. . . or if you
were Cooper you could make all my beer barrels at a cut rate price??
Wall, . . . Could be??


Take care my friend,

Ah Pete. . . Clever. . . Ha haa

Aw Pete. . . Clever. . . very funny. So the spirit of the old radio show
"Can You Top This?" is still alive and well, here with the Planeteer group.

Great. . . I love it.

Kansas Kid me
As a Canadian living in California I pronounce it val-EH!-oh....but we stick EH! in, "would you like a beer, EH?!"

I also live just down the road from Vallejo California, and they pronounce it val-eh-oh too, so I feel right at home here.
Ethan and Joel Coen, the Brothers, eh?

OK, . . . eh? Hello to MartinMack in Gold Rush Country. It was years ago, . .
when I saw one of the Coen Brothers films called Fargo that I
understood about "eh?" . . . I guess in North Dakota a lot of their citizens
came from Canada, eh? But I got a big kick out of it. That film is so grizzly
and cold blooded, yet so funny at the same time. Good to hear your take
on how we Yankees deal with Spanish.

BluesKing, . . . hey it woiks fer me. The index finger can do the talkin'
and thanks for chiming in on this topic. :):)

ROBERT the Bruce

OhMa'Gosh Pete: is my face read. . . where that name David came from I
can not say. Maybe I was getting sling shots mixed up with the use of the
broadsword. I apologize. . . so much for my understanding of my forebears
history. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Oh geeeeeeeeee. eh?
OhMa'Gosh Pete: is my face read. . . where that name David came from I
can not say. Maybe I was getting sling shots mixed up with the use of the
broadsword. I apologize. . . so much for my understanding of my forebears
history. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Oh geeeeeeeeee. eh?

I just put it down to a senior moment. Or fatigue, due to your on going battle with the hedge.
Been "trying":confused: to learn Spanish for the past year or so and according to what I was taught it should sound something like this;

VAHEYO where the double ll is pronounced h and the j pronounced y.

That's my 2 cents worth and the end of your Spanish lesson for today folks :p
Hello David, from Madrid:

I went to the site, and thank you for posting it for me. . . and hearing
the word said in Spanish confirms it. That is just how one of
the other Planeteers explained it with phonetic spelling.

Now, when I go to my local club meeting, . . . :) I'll have to be careful
not to act and sound like a "know it all". . . hee hee. using the V word. . .

Bah yeh ho or oh,

thanks again, Jaybird
Still remember when I was looking for Leicester Square my first visit at London...
Finally I discovered it was something like "Leista" square... XD

Massachusetts pronunciations:

Leicester = Lester or LESS-tah
Worcester = WUSS-ter or WISS-tah
Gloucester = GLOSS-ter or GLOSS-tah
Amherst = AM-Earst
Clinton = CLI-in
Berlin = BURL-in
Medford = MEH-fid
Oxford = OX-fud
Auburn = AWE-bin
Eastham = EAST-HAM
Chatham = CHAT-um
Orleans = OAR-leans
Boston = BOSS-tin
Marlborough= MARL-bro
Vallejo = vuh-LAY-ho
Hi Al:

Thanks for the additions of speak patterns. Kinda reminds me of Rex
Harrison as Professor Higgins. . . Col. Pickering I presume. . . I washed ma'
face and hand before ah come, ah did. . .

And have a great day Diegoff. . . Wow, the response to this thread is quite
astounding . . . Who would have thunk the V word would bring all this on.

