Covering Fire!


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Don´t worry Jason, it's a good question.
The color of this type of uniform, the final part of the invasion is the model 1943 or M43, could vary very much for the dyeing of garments, such as areas where the soldiers had been fighting. I have chosen this color after seeing many pictures and prints of this uniform.

Regards, Robert.
Why did you go for a more green colored uniform? Don't get me wrong, the painting is AMAZING!!! I wish I could paint that way. OMG! I am starting to sound like a stick in the mud questioning uniform colors!!
Hi Jason,
Robert hit it right. The figure as portrayed represents a paratrooper that jumped into Holland. The clues are the M1943 field jacket and modified pants that were of a different cut and OD green in color. The M1943 uniform does not appear to be used by paratroopers prior to the jump in Holland. The other give away is the parachutists first aid pouch that is strapped to his steel pot. I have poured over thousands of photos and reviewed numerous books and have not seen any evidence of this first aid pouch strapped on the helmet prior to the Holland jump. The M1942 jump jacket and pants were more of a khaki color and by the Normandy jump were reinforced with patches of OD colored cloth at the elbows, knees and some at the pockets. Watch Band of Brothers, they did a pretty decent portrayal and you can see the changes in uniform through that period. Don't just take my word for it, ask Mike Stevens. He probably has a few more jumps that I've got :) . Hope this explanation helps.

Your right Joe. I guess I am used to seeing the Band of Brothers style and color. Cmon Joe, I do have a few jumps under my belt!! 75 to be exact!! Maybe this is why I am leaning more towards fantasy figures. You can paint it how you want and not get knobs like me questioning the color!!
Your right Joe. I guess I am used to seeing the Band of Brothers style and color. Cmon Joe, I do have a few jumps under my belt!! 75 to be exact!! Maybe this is why I am leaning more towards fantasy figures. You can paint it how you want and not get knobs like me questioning the color!!
Well, Howdy Jason! On historical figures I just like getting as close as possible (at least within my abilities), on the colors. You are fine in questioning. By the way, did you get another Marie Antoinette bust? AIRBORNE!

Ordered one the other week. I was asked to donate a figure for the Tulsa show auction so I am gonna do that one for it.