A Fixture
Told you Mickey Finn would be popular Rick.....and he looks GREAT......well done my friend...
Steve..the muddler.
Steve..the muddler.
Hi again, Phil:
Oh my you really are a storehouse of information and I mean that with all
kindness, no sarcasm, I guess I'm trying to say. I think I do remember the
title "Walks Among Us", just vaguely. I can see in b/w why they would have
the creature "suit" be painted gold for the sake of how it would photograph
under water. Of course, that would be pretty boring to me, working on the
model kit of it. I'd also forgotten there was more than one movie made on
the topic. Thanks for the reminder.
BTW, Phil, I decided to post some more images of the oil painting and that
post is slugged Part II.
Have a great day, partner!!