A Fixture
I have just gotten interested in the Crimean War. Can anyone please recommend any British or French Figures in 75mm or larger please. I have an interest in the period, but am only familiar with the releases of British troops from Stormtrooper, Troop54, Grenadier Miniatures and the Imperial Gallery. I would like to paint something other than the Grenadier Guards in the Crimea. I also have Mitches Models, The Rifle Brigade, in pill box cap, wearing sand bag pants and posed as if he is about to fall asleep on guard duty. Hope to hear from you Victorian Era painters out there who know this period...I have painted for years, but my interests have been American History related until I discovered Stuart Hale and Stormtroopers.
Best of Everything, Terry Martin-member of the Atlanta Military Figure Society of Atlanta, GA
Best of Everything, Terry Martin-member of the Atlanta Military Figure Society of Atlanta, GA