hello darko
so fra all looks fine well the neck can be thickened an little bit.the odd thing is the hand holding the helmet.
you might overthink that look. it looks simply not natural and casual.maybe the look in mirror holding an pot before you might work it out.easy spoken i know but hard to do.this is the only factor which would harm my eye.and the position of helmet i ould alter taht so that the helmet sits with the open side down to the girtle and the hand supports it.normlay one would hold an helmet with an nasal that way.otherwise the iron nasal poke in your upper body when you holding
so not mind this words.iam always an chap which writes what he thinks.even if this brings you not always roses.
the rest fine the hand holding the helmet.................i would alter.but neverless evenm if you would olet it that way i would take an casting of it should you provide one