Crusaders and Military Orders


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a short note:
First off there were a lot of crusades. There were nine European crusades and a number of regional specific ones as well. I will name off some of the main chivalric orders that probably had members in a crusade. but there were many of these that I am going to miss. Many kingdoms had small orders and the Catholic church commissioned quite a few.

Knights Templar
Brothers Hospitalers of Saint John of Jerusalem
Teutonic Knights
Order of St. John of Jerusalem
Knights of Malta
The Order of St. Lazarus
Order of Pius IX
Equestrian Order of St Gregory the Great
Knights of Saint Catherine of Mount Sinai
Order of the Iberic peninsula
Order of Santiago
Order of Saint James of Compostela
Order the Sword, founded by Guy of Lusignan, king of Cyprus
Order Saint Thomas of Acre founded by Peter des Roches, bishop of Westminster
Order Mountjoy later known as Holy Redeemer
Order Our-Lady of the Rosary
Order Our-Lady-of-Mercy
Order Sant-Jordi d'Alfama by the king of Aragon in 1201
Order Concord Founded by Ferdinand III of Castile,
Order Saint-James of the Sword

I'm sure there are more but i missed them.
Here is another link if you where interested:
Hope this helps
  • Knights Hospitaller (1080)
  • Order of Saint James of Altopascio (ca. 1075)
  • Sovereign Military Order of Malta (1099)
  • Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem (1113)
  • Knights Templar (ca. 1118)
  • Order of Saint Lazarus (ca. 1123)
  • Order of Aviz (1128)
  • Order of Saint Michael of the Wing (1147)
  • Order of Calatrava (1158)
  • Order of Aubrac (1162)
  • Order of Santiago (1170)
  • Order of Alcántara (1177)
  • Order of Mountjoy (c.1180)
  • Teutonic Knights (1190)
  • Hospitallers of Saint Thomas of Canterbury at Acre (1191)
  • Order of Monfragüe (1196)
  • Order of Sant Jordi d'Alfama (1201)
  • Livonian Brothers of the Sword (1202)
  • Order of Dobrzyń (1216)
  • Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy (1218)
  • Knights of the Cross with the Red Star (before 1219)
  • Militia of the Faith of Jesus Christ (1221)
  • Order of the Faith and Peace (1231)
  • Militia of Jesus Christ (1233)
  • Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1261)
  • Order of Santa María de España (1275)
  • Order of Montesa (1317)
  • Order of the Knights of Our Lord Jesus Christ (1318)
  • Order of the Dragon (1408)
  • Order of Saint Maurice (1434)
  • Order of Our Lady of Bethlehem (1459)
  • Order of Saint George of Carinthia (1469)
  • Order of Saint George of Parma (before 1522)
  • Order of Saint Stephen (1561)
    (The above info taken from wikipedia)
  • There are also secular orders but there is little info on these as they may have been organized for a specific "pilgrimage" (the early crusades weren't called crusades they were referred to as pilgrimages) and disbanded or abandoned before they got started, before making it to the middle east or eastern europe and or upon reaching the destination.
There are a few orders in the list who are actually the same, but they only changed name in time. There are a few of these orders that still exist today.
The biggest one, are the Knights Hospitaller=Brothers Hospitalers of Saint John of Jerusalem, now known as the the Maltese Order. As a matter of fact, they where the founders of all military orders, even the Templar Knights.
You see also big mistakes are made in drawings of the siege of Jerusalem during the first, and most successful crusade. There where no military orders present in that crusade. It was only after Jerusalem was in hands of the Christin armies, when the Knights Hospitaler where founded. When a structural power was needed to keep safety in the Levant, that these orders saw daylight.

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