Hendryk - I must have been one of the unlucky ones - my casting was terrible!! Every time I work on it I seem to struggle with it - have thought about pitching it against the wall several times!! Dave
Thanks Mark - this is probably due to my color choice for the gun - I have this I chose a very dark wood!
Surely there are better guns in this scale, but purely from her cast, I can not say anything bad!
My copy was perfect. Its on my list. It was one of Moz's own brand so the molds likely went wherever his Crimean 75's went. I can't recall who picked them up.
I will have to change the US on his belt buckle though.
Hendryk & Colin - I don't know if it is still available or not but, MMM received all of Moz's 75mm Crimean War figures & at one point they had this one too!! Dave
Hendryk & Colin - I don't know if it is still available or not but, MMM received all of Moz's 75mm Crimean War figures & at one point they had this one too!! Dave
Hello Dave
Ross at MMM has not produced any 75mm figures for some time. I have loads of parts so if you need a new rifle let me know and I will see if i have a decent one.